China’s High-Speed Rail Development 中国高铁的发展,是近年来中国交通运输领域最为引人注目的成就之一。从引进国外技术到自主创新,中国高铁不断刷新陆地交通的速度纪录,成为全球高铁发展的领军者。初期发展阶段 20世纪90年代,中国开始引进国外高铁技术,并通过消化吸收再创新,逐步形成了自己的高铁...
中国高铁的发展,以其高速铁路技术CRH闻名于世。CRH的全称China Railway High-speed,展示了中国在铁路领域的显著进步。有些人可能会质疑中国的高铁技术源于何处,比如CRH2型动车组,确实借鉴了日本川崎重工的E2-1000型原型车。然而,这并不意味着中国只是简单的模仿,而是通过引进消化再创新的过程,实现了...
中国高铁的介绍英文如下:China’s high-speed railway, also known as CRH (China Railway High-speed), refers to a network of high-speed passenger train lines that run at speeds of up to 350 km\/h. The high-speed railway system started operation in 2008 with the launch of the Wu...
China's high-speed railway is often referred to as "China's high-speed rail". As a new mode of transportation in modern society, China's high-speed rail speed represents the current high-speed rail speed in the world. China is the country with the fastest...
1、High-speed rail On October 1, 1964, Tokaido Shinkansen Line was officially opened to traffic. The operation speed is as high as 210 km\/h. So the first real high-speed railway in the world was invented by Japan. This marks the arrival of a new era of high-speed railway ...
What's more ,China is developing in a "high speed",even though high-speed railway cost much money ,I believe China can hold it .As all above ,I firmly believe that the future of high-speed railway is shinning!这是一个很热的话题现在很多城市已经开通高速铁路.很多人说,这条高速...
The Beijing–Shanghai High-Speed Railway, or abbreviated as the Jinghu High-Speed Railway, is a 1,318 kilometres (819 mi) long high-speed railway that connects two major economic zones in the People's Republic of China: the Bohai Sea Rim and the Yangtze River Delta. Construction...
中国高铁带来了什么 英文
what does the China high-speed railbring?