how could I live if he doesn't know me。
I have no way to live.
1.这本字典多少钱?How much is the dictionary?2.你的包是什么颜色的?What color is your bag?3.她的新毛衣看起来很漂亮 Her new sweater looks very beautiful.4.这件黄色的毛衣太大了,我想买那件蓝色的。The yellow sweater is too big,I want to buy the blue one.5.你想要什么颜色的...
急求英语翻译 (不要软件翻译的)叩谢 Our country continued Gao Zeng the trade surplus in recent years, was in a Chinese economy prominent question. Large amount trade surplus, not only has created the China foreign exchange reserve volume swift and violent growth, and has also initia...
6) 我们确定搞两个开放:一个是对内开放,一个是对外开放。We have decided on an open policy in two respects: to open up both externally and internally.(貌似曾在某正规资料上看到此句是这样翻译。)7) 对于普通人而言,治疗妒忌的唯一办法是快乐。然而困难在于,妒忌本身就是快乐的巨大障碍。F...
1、Siberian Husky is a kind of ancient dog,named by its special barking;2、In the northeast of Siberian,primitive tribe used Husky to draw the sled as the transportation tool;3、Husky has a changeable characte,some of them are extremly timid,the others are extremly fierce...
5.我妹妹已经上大学两年了--It has been two years since my sister started her college.6.这扇门已经关着两天了--It has been two days since the door was closed.7.我妈妈买这辆自行车四年了. My mother bought this bike four years ago.8.这本书我已经借了好几天了 It has been ...
手工翻译:Environmental problems in the world are becoming more and more severe. Wherever we go, we can always find rubbish thrown about everywhere. Actually, environmental pollution is threatening our existence. So, how should we protect the environment?Firstly, we should try our best ...
dream, the world no longer turmoil, no war and cruelty, no poverty and famine, axiom and justice being lifted high, the hearts of the people all become noble.我有一个梦,在梦里,没有谩骂和诅咒,病痛与苦难,光明已笼罩世界,黑暗已经远去。I have a dream, in a dream, no ...
楼上的那位仁兄,翻译的话在后面加上“一定准确”,会给人以误导的。你的翻译前面两句就已经有很明显的错误了。No matter how good the things are, they will be lost one day...如果你是由于打字匆忙导致的错误,那么请在确定你的答案“一定准确”之前重复检查几遍!再好的东西,也有失去的一天...
2. He was so angry with himself for his so foolish mistake.3. This book sells big.\/This book has a ready sale.\/This book sells well.4. You must apologize to the teacher for your rude.5. Please find out when the flights leave.6. Please follow the instructions when you ...
1. I’m writing to tell you…我正写信告诉你 2. I write this letter to apply for the position…我写这份信申请这个职位 3. I am writing to express my disappointment \/ concern regarding …我正写信表达我对。。的失望\/忧虑 4. I’m writing to draw your attention to a common ...