

Ably to import, like Bridges, links the old knowledge and new knowledge, As signposts guides students' way of thinking. How to import, should according to student's actual situation, create certain teaching situation, stimulate students' interest in study through ably to import, can be very good rendering atmosphere, cause arouse student's emotional resonance, for smoothly teaching good foundation. In my papers, I use the following several methods to inspire theway: first, intuitive guide method, Second, session guide method, The third activity guide method, Fourth, scene guide method, Fifth, the story guide method, Sixth, multimedia guide method, Seventh, on-site import method, Eighth, talk freely method, Ninth, the movement into law. And the new import precautions, classroom import role and in practice should follow the principle of import
第1个回答  2011-01-09
Ably to import, like Bridges, links old knowledge and new knowledge, As signposts guides students' way of thinking. How to import, should according to student's actual situation, create certain teaching situation, stimulate students' interest in study through ably to import, can be very good rendering atmosphere, cause arouse student's emotional resonance, for smoothly teaching good foundation. In theway: first, intuitive guide method, Second, session guide method, The third activity guide method, Fourth, scene guide method, Fifth, the story guide method, Sixth, multimedia guide method, Seventh, on-site import method, Eighth, talk freely method, Ninth, the movement into law. And the new import precautions, classroom import role and in practice should follow the introduction of the original
第2个回答  2011-01-08