

第1个回答  2019-05-18
As for the understanding of English, Chinese students have a great misunderstanding that English is a subject, so they will learn special machinery in the process of learning. Although Chinese students have good achievements, their expressive ability is particularly poor. English is essentially a language, so since it is a language, it has certain flexibility. Oral English has become an important part of measuring English proficiency. Oral English teaching has become particularly important. Therefore, the influence of oral English formation and the ways to improve it have become an important research issue.
第2个回答  2019-05-18
第3个回答  2019-05-18
For the understanding of English, Chinese students have a big misunderstanding that English is a subject, so they will be particularly rigid and mechanized in the process of learning. Although Chinese students have good grades, their English speaking ability is particularly poor. English is essentially a language, so since it is a language, it has some flexibility. Oral English is becoming an important part of measuring English proficiency. The teaching of spoken English is becoming more and more important. Therefore, the influence and improvement of oral English has become an important research issue.

也就是说形容词可以在in the process of前面是不是

