Data Model and
Technology Architecture
As many banks can attest, creating a technology
architecture that can handle even limited forms of
continued on page 42
1 Surge in Buybacks Draws Push-Back from Lenders, NAT’L MORTGAGE
NEWS, Mar. 1, 2010.
2 Bradley Keoun, Fannie, Freddie Ask Banks to Eat Soured Mortgages,, Mar. 5, 2010.
3 Alan Zibel, Bank of America to Pay Borrowers $108 Million, MIAMI
HERALD, June 7, 2010.
integrated risk management represents an operational
and political challenge. Systems in different parts of
an organization with different ways of measuring
and monitoring risk must be able to communicate
and share information. Unfortunately, disagreements
around ownership, granularity and quality of data, as
well as budgets, priorities and resources, can arise. It
is, therefore, imperative that there be senior executive
sponsorship and funding approved at the highest
levels behind the efforts to build a common data repository
and platform across an organization.
To achieve truly integrated risk management, banks
should move toward a single source of standardized and
reconciled data that is used across the risk management,
fi nance and treasury groups and serves both
internal risk management and regulatory reporting
purposes. For all but the smallest institutions, this
single source will not literally be one physical data
store. Size, complexity and even legacy issues mean
that, for many institutions, a federated approach to
creating a virtual global database will be more effective.
Irrespective of the exact approach used, it
is essential to establish common standards for data
governance and quality. All data—down to individual
contract or transaction-level data—should be
captured in a standardized form and aligned with
books and records used across the organization.
A recent trend in balance-sheet management is
the migration by some large institutions to a singlerisk
“engine” or platform that supports dynamic
balance-sheet, earnings and cash-fl ow forecasting
and uses integrated scenarios. Such risk engines
allow a comprehensive analysis of the interrelationship
between balance-sheet growth (or contraction),
credit, earnings, capital and liquidity.
Regulators are demanding more granular and
higher-quality data in a timely manner. For example,
the Financial Service Authority in the United Kingdom
requires most banks to be able to produce a daily mis-
The Bank of China issues 0N another's behalf the wages---中国银行代发工资 有老师的帮助 你不要愁 我老师帮你翻译完事了 剩下的就要靠你了 加油加油
the statistical caliber,统计口径 the contract wages, 合同工资 the reality pays out thewages, 实发工资 the tax payment proved that,纳税证明 the goal bonus, 目标奖金 reimburses byticket凭票报销
1.财务报表分析目的和财务报告Financial statement analysis purpose and Financial report 2.短期流动性Short-term liquidity 3.预测与预分析Forecast and Preanalysis 4.资本结构与偿债能力Capital structure and credit capacity 5.投入资本报酬率Rate of return on invested capital 6.获利能力分析Profitabilit...
会计用语 英语单词麻烦翻译下~~别用翻译机~~谢谢啦~~~
raw materials 原材料 account payable 应付账款 work in process 在建项目 manufacturing overhead 制造费用 sales commissions expense 销售佣金支出 administrative salaries expense 主管薪酬支出 over applied超额分配费用(over applied expenses)actual manufacting overhead 实际间接制造费用 manufacting over...
Negative Leverage)。这里gearing 相当于 gearing ratio 负债比率, 负债率 There is no immediate cut-off betwwen a low-gearing company and a high-gearing company .Gearing is a matter of degree.低负债率和高负债率公司之间的区别并非泾渭分明. 负债率(的高低)只是反映了程度的不同而已。
我实在找不到了!!!return’s book-to-tax adjustment valuation allowance 计价备抵,[金融] 估价备抵;备抵跌价损失 return-to-provision the company’s interim provision calculation 我帮你查查………
“TAX DEDUCTED AT SOURCE ”这是会计科目名称,请各位高手帮忙翻译
源泉扣税, 也就是在支付款项时代扣相应的所得税.
1, bad debts accounted for using the allowance method. The company's year-end receivables is expected to recover, so no provision for bad debts.2, bad debt recognized standards:⑴ debtor's bankruptcy or death to the estate or estate liquidation, are still not recovered.⑵ suit ...
accumulated impairment loss 累计减值损失 reversal of impairment loss 减值损失转回 loss on disposal of fixed assets 固定资产处置损失 The Diminishing Value method 减值法(一般用于折旧处理)
众所周知,四家中小型企业已经投资于一些基础的系统,比如文字处理,会计和库存管理系统,但是这些系统通常不是相互联系的。Meredith 和 Hill (1987)已经建立起一个框架用于分析先进生产技术对组织产生的影响。它们显示集中于独立系统是对效能和有形利益的一种强调,然而,对系统的影响可能是局部的。在最小...