This phenomenon presents a problem of explanation, not in terms of a general eroding of ideas by the slow emergence of unpleasant and unforeseen currents out of the main stream of the new industrial civilization, but of a swift and immediate and total smashing of a thought pattern, so that a group of men who before the first World War believed that they were in absolute control of the situation were reduced in six years to a frank bewilderment, to an inability to grasp the world around them
楼主你好!首先是翻译:Another task for the Glomar Challenger’s scientists was to try to determine the origin of the domelike masses buried deep beneath the Mediterranean seafloor.对于“格洛玛挑战者”号钻探船上的科研人员而言,另一个任务就是找出深埋在地中海海底之下的丘状物质的来源。Thes...
“夫运筹于帷帐之中,决胜于千里之外,吾不如子房;镇国家,抚百姓,给馈响,不绝粮道,吾不如萧何;连百万之军,战必胜,攻必取,吾不如韩信。此三者,皆人杰也,吾能用之,此吾所以取天下也。项羽有一范增而不能用,此其所以为我擒也.”As regrad to management in a small room,and vic...
i frankly ask myself as i reminiscent to the title "What Makes Good Friends ",and there always comes a bad guy who likes to make any trouble by my side.我们有着同样的脾气,爱好,原则。。不是有句话叫“臭味相投”嘛。我想大概就是这个意思。有时候,一个眼神的交流,大家都知道...
Little Devil terrorized Hid in the ass bridge Put that gate off He was most afraid to fight guerrilla warfare with the Eighth Route Army Devils him out of the city Eighth Route Army to widen the plug Aiming for a target black children Killed a Japanese ghost He stared about ey...
of reality),它要把复杂的细节很好地具象化(critical contextualizaton of florid detail—个人理解就是不能是流水账,要很好地交代背景),而且它要意识到理念在我们日常生活中的作用。从这些条件来看,“一个梦”做的是不够的。貌似是一本书的书评,前面给了一些肯定,不过总地来说是批评的。
求翻译一段英文材料 有难度 要求人工翻译 求达人帮忙~!!!
when solving accute but also chronic crises within an international framework.只有继续维护国家必须的安全标准,并不断依靠国际社会的有效行动来共同对抗各种威胁的根源,才能在国际框架下,不断化解各种突发性或者长期性的危机。补充:楼上说我抄袭,很可笑,翻译之间本就有类似之处,LZ自己看吧。
英语句子翻译一句 高中难度!求助!
matters with wide sight,but not press himself into the dead angle.They will deal smilingly or choose to escape,but those who are like me that self-contempt has developped into a habit are different,as they can't help considering those unfavorable things on themselves sometimes.