

Will stay at the hotel when the hotel needs to pay a deposit?
The money is not a booking of hotel money, nor is it used to pay for additional spending in the hotel, but a pre-paid deposit, in the absence of special circumstances, the guests after the holiday, the amount of money returned to customers .
第1个回答  2011-04-22
Excuse me, when in the hotel to the hotel to pay a deposit?

The money is not booking hotel money, also is not used to pay for the extra consumption at the hotel, but a paid in advance deposit, which is in no appear special circumstances, a guest on holiday ended, returned to the guest's a sum of money.
第2个回答  2011-04-22
Excuse me, when in the hotel to the hotel to pay a deposit?

The money is not booking hotel money, also is not used to pay for the extra consumption at the hotel, but a paid in advance deposit, which