

A strong earthquake attacked Japan at 1:46pm. I was shocked when I heard about the bad news. Why there were so many disasters in the world?
I looked up some files about the top fourteen worst earthquakes in the past one hundred years from internet. And some earthquakes even came with tsunamis. It was said that 300 thousands of people died in 2004 as a result of the earthquake and tsunami happened in Indonesia. And 242 thousands of citizens died in Tangshan Earthquake in 1976 in China. Also in 2008, another big earthquake happened in China, and more than 7 thousands passed away.
How awful it is when we talk about these figures.
Everyone should cherish what we have now.
I felt scary when I watched 2012.
But the disasters happened are more fearful.
Dalian is not far away from Japan, my colleague told me that she would be too panic to go to bed tonight. It is funny.
I did not worry about that. No one can expect what will happen in the next minute. Just enjoy every minute in our life.
It is enough~
第1个回答  2011-04-19

A strong earthquake attacked Japan at 1:46pm. I was shocked when I heard about the bad news. Why there were so many disasters in the world?I looked up some files about the top fourteen worst earthquakes in the past one hundred years from internet. And some earthquakes even ca...

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