摘要:阐述节能减排(Energy-Saving & Emission Reduction)在转变经济发展方式中的紧迫性与重要性,分别从节能减排时代背景、政策意义、现状的原因分析、历史比较分析(Historical Comparative Analysis)、政策文件精神五个方面进行论述。最后提出转变经济发展方式中节能减排工作的具体政策研究方向及实证案例分析(Empirical Analysis)。
转变经济发展方式,应该这样官方些吧?promote transformation of development pattern?
我的水平如此 楼主您就自己看着能用的用,不能用的就淘汰吧,呵呵
英语翻译 本科毕业论文摘要翻译成英语
As the degree of air pollution in recent years China's increasing severity, people began to realize that the atmospheric pollution hazards and began to reflect, to environmental damage from extensive mode for the cost of economic development has not been able to continue. The atmospheri...
Medium-sized and small industries are the importance forces in our social development nad national economy. Promoting their development is to sustain an important foundation for a steady and quicker growth of our national economy. It is a great strategic task that entails people's liveli...
高人帮我翻译一下这个摘要~谢谢了 要英文的
With the rapid growth of the national economy, the logistics industry has developed rapidly in the social needs of the fast-growing logistics at the same time, market competition becoming increasingly fierce. As a business, how to choose suppliers in the procurement process of identifyin...
以下是通过有道译的,不是想赚你的分,对我也没什么用,只是觉得,你根据这个,自己好好改改,估计比别人给你翻译好了的,要好些。Culture is in long-term human material production and the spiritual production, in constant social life and social interaction process, gradually formed and devel...
弄清这一区别之后,翻译时会理所当然地摆脱原文的束缚,争取一定的主动,这便是钱钟书先生所说的“get the meaning , forget the words”(得意忘言) 。要想顺利完成这种形式上的转变,关键是要做好对英语长句的结构分析,把长句按意群切分成若干个小段。请看下面的例句:(2) For example ,they do not compensate...
英文高手们 谁能给我翻一下 下面这段话 毕业答辩要用 谢谢啦
中国作为一个人口大国更深刻体会到粮食安全对保障经济发展的重要作用。China, as a country of largest population profoundly realized FOOD SECURITY is play such a important role to the economic development strategy ..为了寻找让粮食增产农民增收的农业发展新方式,In order to increasing the ...
毕业设计论文摘要 篇1 随着社会的发展和现代化的建设,计算机技术在很多领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。毕业设计是高等教育中的重要环节,对毕业设计过程进行信息化处理,能够提高教育管理水平,并且提高教育质量。 本文以软件工程技术的思想为出发点,综合运用数据库技术和信息系统分析与设计的相关知识,实现了高校毕业设计管理系...
3.5 Manufacturers of elderly people do not pay full attention to sports consumption �Peng Jinqing in "to the aging of the overall market thinking" the article pointed out that the elderly population needs can be met is the responsibility of manufacturers, the manufacturers ...