I feel you won't Chinese difficult to teach me, and my English is not good, we can be hard to communicate
...而且我英语不好,我们会很难沟通英语” 用英语怎么读
i feel that it is hard for you to teach me because you can't speak chinese,and i'm not good at english,which makes it difficult for us to communicate with each other.
第一段翻译:Exhibition letter Ann, busy to disturb you is really embarrassed.Now, I think I should be time to write a letter to you,I just know you hate me so much,。but please allow to be my last audience?Because there is a lot that I want to tell you through this le...
我不会英语不好沟通了 用英文怎么说
我不会英语,不好沟通了I can't speak English, I can't communicate well. 本回答被网友采纳 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 overstand 2016-09-24 · TA获得超过5.2万个赞 知道大有可为答主 回答量:1.4万 采纳率:88% 帮助的人:2847万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展...
"我的英语不好"用英语怎么说:1、My English is not good.2、My English is poor.3、I am bad at English.4、My English is not well.
1,先说这个:My English is not good 我英文不好,再解释一下下:I don't understand your words 我听不懂你的话 或者这样说:I can't understand what you say 我听不懂你说什么 2,直接点可以这样说:I'm very busy,and My English is not good 我很忙,并且我英语不怎样 ...
我告诉他,你应该说My Chinese is not good. 他很激动的说,no no no 我不想说我的中文 not good或bad,我的中文good只是我还在学习过程中。这就是文化差异。所以对方以英语为母语,就应该尝试着理解你的意思,而且就算你说了请多担待,他们也不会真的担待你,反而觉得你没有自信。
Mais l'anglais ne serait pas du chinois 但英语不会像中文那么难 Si mon Prof était Brad Pitt 如果我的老师是布拉德•皮特的话 Oops j'aime pas l'anglais 哎~我不喜欢英语 Mais j'aurais la moyenne 但我会混个及格 Je vais vous étonner 我会让你们惊讶 Oops j'aime pas l'...