

Ulysses. Called "Odysseus" by the Greeks, one of the principal Greek heroes in the Trojan War, was a son of Laertes, or, according to a later tradition, of Sisyphus, and was married to Penelope, the daughter of Icarius, by whom he became the father of Telemachus. During the siege of Troy he distinguished himself by his valor, prudence, and eloquence, and after the death of Achilles, contended for his armor with the Telamonian Ajax, and gained the prize. He is said by some to have devised the stratagem of the wooden horse. The most celebrated part of his story comes after the Trojan War. Among his adventures he entered the cave of the Cyclops and escaped with some sheep. One of the gods gave to him a bag of winds which should carry him home, but the winds were let loose and his ships driven to an island inhabited by the sorceress Circe. After many wanderings and strange adventures, a ship was provided to convey him to Ithaca, from which he had been absent twenty years. During his absence his father Laertes, in grief and old age, had withdrawn into the country; his mother Anticlea had died; his son Telemachus grown to manhood and his wife Penelope had rejected all the offers that had been made to her by the importunate suitors from the neighboring islands. In order that he might not be recognized, Athena metamorphosed Ulysses into an unsightly beggar. He was kindly received by Eumaeus, the swineherd, made himself known to him, and a plan of revenge was resolved on. Penelope, with great difficulty, was made to promise her hand to him who should conquer the others in shooting with the bow of Ulysses. As none of the suitors were able to draw this bow, Ulysses himself took it up, and, directing his arrows against the suitors, slew them all. Ulysses now made himself known to Penelope. The people rose in arms against Ulysses; but Athena, who assumed the appearance of Mentor brought about a reconciliation.



于是,关于这个王国流传开了这样一个传说,一个漂亮的正在睡觉的公主的传说,人们所说的公主其实就是国王的女儿。从那以后,有不少王子来探险,他们披荆斩棘想穿过树篱到王宫里去,但都没有成功,不是被蒺藜缠住就是被树丛跘倒在里面,就像是有无数只手牢牢地抓住他们难以脱身一样,他们最终都痛苦地死去。 许多许多年过...

One day, she met is in the woods hunting Apollo, her for the handsome deeply fascinated by god, fell madly in love with him.可是,阿波罗连正眼也不瞧她一下就走了。But, Apollo even nor see her once guided went.克丽泰热切地盼望有一天阿波罗能对她说说话,但她却再也没有遇见过...

1.潘多拉的盒子 Pandora's Box 潘多拉是希腊神话中第一个尘世女子。普罗米修斯盗天火给人间后,主神宙斯为惩罚人类,命令神用黏土塑成一个年轻美貌、虚伪狡诈的姑娘,取名“潘多拉”,意为“具有一切天赋的女人”,并给了她一个礼盒,然后将她许配给普罗米修斯的弟弟埃庇米修斯。埃庇米修斯不顾禁忌地接过礼盒...


the naiad rooted at her feet,and her face turned into a beautiful flower named "sunflower"中文 很久很久以前,有个叫库尔采的水中仙女,疯狂的迷恋阿波罗神。每当太阳一早从东方出来 ,他就目不转晴的望着,从早到晚,直到太阳神西坠,才恋恋不舍的收回目光。久而久之,水仙脚下生了根,脸...

嫦娥奔月 :The goddess of the steal to eat the husband after yi from there to the undead of west on the drugs, fly to moon palace. But QiongLouYuYu, altitude deeply cold, the goddess of the talk to her husband, and he said: regret "tomorrow is the moon, you wait for...

狄安娜的故事 英文版 急求!!!
这地方有一个长满了针松和翠柏的山谷,名叫伽耳伽菲,是围着腰带的狄安娜常还游息的地方。在山谷幽深之处,有一个隐蔽的山洞,这不是人工开凿的,而是大自然巧妙作成的,足可以和人工媲美。 This is a place covered with pine needles and Calocedrus valley, ear Mingjiao Jia Jia Fei, is the belt around ...



古希腊神话故事:奥林波斯山神 Pandora after the stealing of fire,zeus became increasingly unkind to men.one day he ordered his son hephaestus tobuild an image of a beautiful maiden out of clay.he then asked the gods and goddesses to award her with different kinds of gifts.among ...
