目的 为苗药透骨香的鉴定和质量标准的修订提供依据,为其进一步开发与利用奠定基础。
方法 对同一产地不同药用部位(根、茎、叶)和不同采收季节透骨香药材的水分、灰分、浸出物、挥发油含量进行测定;采用气相色谱法对挥发油中主要成分水杨酸甲酯进行含量测定。
结果 不同药用部位和不同采收季节透骨香药材的水分、灰分、浸出物、挥发油含量、水杨酸甲酯含量有差异。
结论 对同一产地同一采收季节不同药用部位(根、茎、叶)透骨香药材含水量叶最低;总灰分叶最高;醇溶性冷浸出物叶最高;挥发油含量叶最高;鲜品的挥发油中水杨酸甲酯含量叶最高。同一产地不同采收季节的透骨香药材含水量、总灰分含量、醇溶性冷浸出物夏季最高;挥发油含量秋季最高;鲜品的挥发油中水杨酸甲酯含量夏季最高。
【摘 要】abstarct 意健险,是人身意外伤害险和健康险的综合简称。意健险业务 保险人有可能提供的保险保障包括四个方面:因约定意外事故与疾病致被保险人的死亡给付、残疾给付、所致被保险方支付医疗费的给付和因此而丧失部分与全部工作能力的收人损失给付。自2003年1月1日起所有在中国市场的保险公司只要获...
如果是英语的话~Abstract: In this paper the physical condition, dietary habits and structure as well as the sports situation of college students at present have been investigated and analyzed, by using the literature, questionnaire survey method, and so on. On the basis of the surve...
localilzation 是局限、定位、地方分权 的意思 和本土化有所差别, 应该是 nativeness National Broad Electricity Bureau 应该是 Board 不是 Broad = 广阔意思 Electricity 是 电气、电力 但是广电是 广播与电视的意思,相差大了 !
treatment technologies, the wastewater land treatment system is characterized by low operation cost, little equipment, simple management, stable treatment effect, easy on-spot reuse, etc. It is very suitable for use by the vast rural areas of China. 诚意人工翻译,请放心使用。
but also have a good sense of mental quality and stage feeling. However, for any of the professional Erhu professional player, the environment on-stage and below-stage are different. How should a player be trained scientifically in order to successfully complete the role change. This...
别人都要价50了!所以您的这种问题应该给点奖励分,才能得到较多的响应。我先给您翻译吧,如果满意,请给一点小奖励:[摘 要] 针对ZB25型软盒硬条包装机商标纸吸风系统中处于商标纸吸纸轮传动箱内部的吸风气管容易破裂,造成商标纸吸取不畅和维修故障判断难、耗时长的问题。Abstract:The objective ...
First, choose FeSO4 as a coagulant, utilizing the single factor analysis of coking wastewater through coagulation precipitate experiment. By analysing the experimental research, determined the best strategy of coagulant Fe2 + optimal conditions: 200mg\/L dose for cast, best pH value for 7...
The first part introduces commercial banks in the international settlement business development as well as trends, use a SWOT analysis to study commercial banks in the international settlement of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and risks.The second section is primarily on the ...
investment means "a behavior of putting certain things in other places." However, from the perspective of finance, long-time investment tends to yield a sustained gain in cash flow sometime in the future, i.e., an accumulation of future profits.对不起,没时间译下去了。