

第1个回答  2013-09-15
As consensus of everyone, people should read books, especially when they are young. However, we still should read selectively instead of blindly. In China, many parents force their children to read all kinds of books for some reason, that makes those kids under heavy stress. I don't think it's a good way for education, child should read those books which can help them develop a good viewpoint about the world and life, such as thanksgiving, appreciation, politeness and diligence. Even for adult, we should select what we read as well, because our engergy is limited. Moreover, we still need to learn much knowledge helpful for our career. Actually, I think reading blindly is just wasting time. Nowadays, people feel much more stress than before, so we can chose those books about computer application, investment, English learning, economy, finance,etc.
So, all in all, we should attach importance to both of selectivity and universality when thinking about reading.
第2个回答  2013-09-15



we still should read selectively instead of blindly. In China, many parents force their children to read all kinds of books for some reason, that makes those kids under heavy stress. I don't think it's a good way for education, ...

”世界读书日“世界图书日) ,社会大家看书的成员成为生活的必需品,读书每个人日常生活的一个组成部分,鼓励人们,尤其是年轻人发现阅读的乐趣,并为这个伟大的贡献表示感谢和尊重,

One day, Tom went home after school and he asked his mother for some money. Tom's mother didn't understand why, so she just took out his money. Then Tom took the money away quickly and ran away. His mother was very angry and ran after him. When Tom's mother saw Tom ...

我感激你,节日,因为你的融融爱意给曾经年幼的我创造过无尽的欢乐;我感激你,因为你的超凡脱俗给现在正在求学的我增添了丰厚的内涵;我感激你,因为你的成熟稳重给我带来了无限的回味。有了感激,就要尽毕生之力回报! 你是水,滋润着我这颗幼小的心灵;你是风,为我拂去世事的繁杂和生活的纷纷扰扰;你是山,葱葱郁郁,...

学习在学习之余,要多看一些课外的书籍来丰富自己,提高自己的见识。下面是由我给大家带来关于初中必读的课外阅读书籍推荐,希望对大家有帮助!初中必读的课外阅读书籍推荐 初中必读的课外书1.《管好自己就能飞+自觉可以练出来》天天见效的自我管理实践,让你近距离学到更管用的方法,练出一流的自觉,刮...

time. Nowadays, people feel much more stress than before, so we can chose those books about computer application, investment, English learning, economy, finance,etc.So, all in all, we should attach importance to both of selectivity and universality when thinking about reading....

time. Nowadays, people feel much more stress than before, so we can chose those books about computer application, investment, English learning, economy, finance,etc.So, all in all, we should attach importance to both of selectivity and universality when thinking about reading.

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