hey, that's micky ficky who named 杨昆, i feel impatient 4 u also, ya gon' deceive the girl lower than 12 years old is better i think. u just like a butter wordy boy with more fart. if u check my word in ur pity dictionary e'en, ok, keep ur FuDan dreaming and shut ur fucking up by the way, ass out.凸--凸
Small cardinals: 0, 1, 2, ...Worldly cardinals Weakly and Stronglyinaccessible, α-inaccessible, Hyper inaccessible cardinals Weakly and StronglyMahlo, α-Mahlo, Hyper Mahlo cardinals.Reflecting cardinals Weakly compact,I ndescribable,Totally indescribable cardinals λ-unfoldable,unfoldablecard...
In the early 20th century, Henry Ford created a production pipeline based on the mass production methods. Technically, the machine was already hardened to handle the processing of metal, heat treatment and mechanical parts from the warping deformation in the past can not be standardized...
所有我的生活我一直在一种孤寂 寻找高与低寻找我的路 和所有在我曾经看过你的权利,在我前面的 我知道有,然后 我的寂寞日子,通过 您只是一个玫瑰 这shimmers在阳光下 现在我知道我的生活才刚刚开始 你们是最甜的东西,都不能,将永远不会 和你是一个奇迹,我 你填补我的生活与温情与和谐 我从...
to achieve a harmonious society ideal.
将下列内容翻译成英文 尽量用较简单的英文,谢拉
and New Shool generally more "mild", not too big feet, just put a lot of head and hands, the importance of the upper body is mixed. The same period, the New School is within the tempo more diverse and smooth, more natural, and there are Old Shool music rhythm....
劳烦大师们帮忙翻译一下 多谢拉
另外,“in your favor”也是公函中的礼貌措辞。在英语中,“do me a favor”意为“帮我一个忙”,而“favor”在不同情境下有着多样的含义,如味道、喜好等。此处不宜将其直译为“受益人”,更贴切的翻译可能是“此信用(透支)是诚意为你提供的。”然而,将这些译句硬性嵌入所需翻译的文句中,...
请各位兄弟姐妹帮忙写个大概30秒的个人介绍,本人是属于搞笑类型的..这次参加一个主持人的比赛...谢拉..有什么不懂的可以继续问,.本人在线..我英文差..大家别搞我了... 请各位兄弟姐妹帮忙写个大概30秒的个人介绍,本人是属于搞笑类型的..这次参加一个主持人的比赛...谢拉..有什么不懂的可以继续问,.本人在线...