2 风俗习惯对习语的影响
各地的风俗习惯存在着很大的差异,东西方人对动植物的喜好有很多的不同,这些不同导致了习语的不同。在中国人眼里“狗”往往有肮脏、下贱等贬义,常用它形容和比喻坏人恶行,如狐朋狗党、狗急跳墙、狗眼看人低,等等;而在西方人看来狗是人类忠诚的伙伴,对狗怀有特殊的感情,英语中就出现了很多与狗有关的习语,如an old dog (老伙计)、dog days (三伏天)、Love me,love my dog (爱屋及乌),Barking dogs seldom bite (咬人的狗不叫),It rains cats and dogs (外面下着瓢泼大雨)等。
犹如,中国视 “龙”为吉祥物,赋予了神圣、至尊、吉祥、非凡等各种褒义。古时候的皇帝称自己是真龙天子,民间有赛龙舟、舞龙狮等活动。关于龙的成语有很多,如望子成龙、龙凤呈祥、龙腾虎跃、车水马龙等。而在西方人眼中“龙”则预示着一种灾难,它是凶恶的、残害生灵的怪兽,恶龙的形象常常出现在很多的寓言和文学作品当中,如叙事诗中关于贝奥尔武夫(Beowulf)力斩恶龙的故事等,因此为避免误解“亚洲四小龙”而应译为“four little tigers of Asia”。
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such as an dog (old chap), It dog days), then (dog, Love my Love me, Love my dog) Barking dogs (seldom bite (a Barking dog bites little),
The Scarlet Letter is one of the representative novels of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Hester Prynne is the heroine of this novel. It's quite helpful to better understand the whole novel by getting to know her characteristic, emotional and moral growth. Hester, coming from a poor but very ...
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immediately make idioms become straightaway.
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如 “Two heads are better than one”,如果按字面直译成“两个头比 一个好”的话则会令人费解,而应意译为 “人多智慧大”。Such as "hero heads to" and, if I than by 25 as "literally translates as head than a good" Two words will be confusing, and more people should be f...
亲爱的佩妮,你们班的小孩比我们班的多。所以萨曼塔和我都会给你们写信。我八岁了。我的名字叫贝利。我的生日是3月1日。我爸爸和电脑打交道,我妈妈是一家学校的副校长(并非我的学校)。我喜欢吃比萨饼,我还喜欢狗。你样宠物了吗?我养了只寄居蟹。你的朋友,贝利 ...
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while retaining the former language of cultural charm. Such as "two heads are better than one honeycombed, zhu ge-liang" for "if putting three cobblers can surpass Zhuge Liang to" if, translates an literal meaning, not translate the implicit meaning, especially not translate "Zhuge ...
分手后不可以做朋友,We won't be friends after we break up 因为彼此曾伤害过,that's because we have hurt each other 分手后也不可以做敌人,We aslo won't be foes after we part 因为彼此曾深爱过。that's beacause we have loved each other 从此以后,将你从我的记忆中删除,I will...
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until now commonly accepted "faithful, smoother" principle, these views that good translation must be correct and fluent expression original text meaning, but also to keep the original style, to the translation of English and Chinese idioms requirements should be like this.Idioms are peo...
4.Everyone has his anger vented, the need for a few close friends to hear you whine and called the smut. but in a formal occasion must be polite, can't talk smut.每个人都有生气需要发泄的时候,找几个贴心的朋友听你发牢骚和骂脏话。但是在正式的场合一定要有礼貌,不能说脏话。
I am very interested in why we haven't received the goods before you Dunning what trick?另外我需要让你知道 And I need to let you know 运费,税收,纸箱,费用全由贵司支付 Freight, taxes, cartons, expenses paid by your company.全部快递四件,我们只能承认一件的运费 All express ...