随着经济的持续高速发展,超市这种商品零售模式,在我国快速发展。中国加入 WTO 以后, 国内市场国际化、国际竞争国内化的态势进一步加剧, 企业行业面临着空前的机遇和挑战。在竞争激烈的市场经济里,谁拥有了顾客谁就拥有了市场竞争的优势。零售业竞争的关键是争夺终端客户,这些具有很高的重复购买行为, 顾客的满意度对零售商显得尤为重要。本文首先由现实经济背景下超市经营的现状引出顾客满意度的概念,由顾客满意度的概念引出了满意度概念的盲区:执行弱化,需求错位,投诉处理,忽视内部顾客的盲区。而后给予理论意见。接下来通过以世纪家家福超市顾客为研究对象, 介绍了研究背景、研究流程, 围绕着客户满意度的概念,结合世纪家家福超市制定研究设计与方法, 通过问卷调查法对世纪家家福超市顾客满意度进行分析, 探讨出影响世纪家家福超市顾客满意度的因素,即服务问题,购物环境问题,商品问题。针对这三个问题并结合理论知识给出世纪家家福提升超市顾客满意度的途径方法,最后得出结论与建议。
we must accelerate the building of systems The pace and improve the overall quality of the accounting Keyword:Accounting Oversight Accounting regulations Internal Control
maintain drug evenness is very important.目前我国农民采用的农药搅拌多数是在充好药液的药池内用木棍随便地搅几下,劳动强度高,搅拌效果差,而且药物挥发严重影响农民的身体健康。有的甚至用喷雾器的喷嘴回流冲击以达到搅拌的效果,水药没有充分搅匀就立即喷雾。殊不知药水搅拌不均不仅不能达到农药的预...
more than 60-year-old population will reach 420 million, accounting for about 27 percent of the total population, we can see, the elderly in the total proportion of the population is gradually increasing, we have faced the problem of aging society. In China, a huge aging populati...
请将以下论文摘要翻译为英文: PS:哪位大神帮下忙,不要用翻译软件哦...
看在<江苏美女>份上, 我帮你译...不需要给分! o(N_N)o "As the social, economic and cultural development evolves, the human ideas and concepts also follow suit. In our monogamous system, we observe that more and more "third persons" appear to discrupt others' valid marriages...
to a great extend ,is human resource management and the mometary capital management in essence.It is the critical of human resource management ,because human resource is directly related to the survival and development of enterprises.However,managers often don't pay attention to the los...
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望采纳:The tragedy of persecution is two-fold: the first heavy is external, namely in the struggle against poverty, he hurt pretty badly. The second is the inner, namely the soul with their breed and spread of the humble ugly gradually the struggle, he quality of worse loss. ...
but the majority of SMEs in the training budget is very limited. At the cost of training is very limited training in how to make marketing to achieve the expected results, it is has become a business and we need to jointly study the issue. In the development of small and med...