
科技文献检索 设施园艺学 园林植物病虫害防治 园林植物遗传育种学 城市生态学 城市规划原理 室内装潢与设计 园林建筑环境设计 园林工程预决算 插花艺术 盆景艺术 外国园林史 园艺与环境与人 植物造景 植物组织培养 草坪与地被植物研究进展 景观生态学与园林建设 中外风景园林理论与实践
园林工程 园林艺术 园林树木学 风景区规划设计

第1个回答  2007-04-17
1、科技文献检索:Document Retrieval Technology.
2、设施园艺学:Horticultural facilities.
3、园林植物病虫害防治:Garden plant pest control.
4、园林植物遗传育种学:Garden plant genetics and breeding.
5、城市生态学:Urban Ecology.
6、城市规划原理:Principles of Urban Planning.
7、室内装潢与设计:Upholstery and Design.
8、园林建筑环境设计:Landscape architecture, environmental design.
9、园林工程预决算:Garden Budget and Final Accounts.
10、插花艺:Floral Art.
11、盆景艺术:Bonsai Art.
12、外国园林史:Foreign garden history.
13、园艺与环境与人:With gardening and the environment.
14、植物造景:Plant Landscaping.
15、植物组织培养:Plant Tissue Culture.
16、草坪与地被:Lawn and Vegetation.
17、植物研究进展:Research progress.
18、景观生态学与园林建设:Landscape Ecology and Landscape Construction.
19、Chinese Theory and Practice of Landscape Architecture.
20、园林工程:Garden project.
21、园林艺术:Garden Air.
22、园林树木学:Landscape Tree Science.
23、风景区规划设计:Scenic design.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2007-04-17
Scientific literature search facility horticulture garden plant pest control garden plant genetics and breeding Urban Ecology Principles of Urban Planning Design landscape architecture, environmental design and interior decorating garden Budget and Final Accounts of floral art of horticulture and the history of the art of bonsai garden foreign environment Landscaping with plants and plant tissue culture to the lawn and garden plants Research Landscape Ecology Landscape Jimmy foreign construction theory and practice
TREE scenic landscape garden design garden art

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2、设施园艺学:Horticultural facilities.3、园林植物病虫害防治:Garden plant pest control.4、园林植物遗传育种学:Garden plant genetics and breeding.5、城市生态学:Urban Ecology.6、城市规划原理:Principles of Urban Planning.7、室内装潢与设计:Upholstery and Design.8、园林建筑环境设计:...

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