Write a composition of about 150 words on this topic: Which do you think are the three most important elements of love? What do they entail?
Love has the three most important elements. The first is responsibility. If I love you, I’m responsive to most of your needs as a person. It doesn’t entail my doing for you what you are capable of doing for yourself. It does imply acknowledging that I am and what I do affects you. So that I am directly involved in your happiness and your misery. The second is growth for both myself and the person I love. If I love you, I’m growing as a result of my love. You’re a stimulant for me to become more fully what I might become, and my loving enhances your being as well. We each grow as result of caring and being cared for, we each share in an enriching experience that doesn’t detract from our being. The third is that love can tolerate imperfection. Authentic love does not imply enduring happiness. Love is meant for our imperfect world where thing go wrong, love is meant to be a spirit that works in painf7ul situation.
Mature love is the union under the condition of preserving one’s integrity, one’s individuality.
Write a short essay of about 150 words on the topic: What three qualities do you think are the most important in a friend?
The three most important qualities in a friend are being sincere, having viewpoints similar to his friend, and having the spirit of give and take. Of these three qualities, I think, being sincere is the basic one. The other two are the complements. Supposing several people know each other but are not sincere to each other—they cheat each other, and disguise their offered help, can you believe they are friends? Of course not. Only if they are sincere to each other, can you believe so. Besides, friends must share each other’s viewpoints and can your out their misfortunes and happiness. Shared viewpoints can draw out your own best qualities, and with your friend, you sparkle and become more of whatever the friendship draws upon. Third, having the spirit of give and take is just like an umbrella over the friendships which can help them last long.
In a word, a friend must have the three qualities. Being sincere is the key, while the other two are also necessary.
▄【┻═┳一 帮我翻译两篇文章吧!!高分@!┣▇▇▇═—
爱情最重要的三个要素. 首先是责任. 如果我爱你,我对你们大部分人的需要,作为一个人. 这并不意味着我做给你,你可以做吧. 它意味着承认我,我不影响你. 所以,我直接卷入你的幸福和你的痛苦. 二是经济增长及合适的人我爱. 如果我爱你,我成长为一名因我的爱. 你一帖兴奋剂,我更充分的,我可能...
【】—一 ▄【┻┳═一 ▄【┳一 ▄【┻═┳一 ▄【┳-一 ▄【┻═┳ 【┳═一 ▄【┳一? ▄【┳═一 【┳═一oO 6 -—═┳【 ∝╬══→ ::===>> ┈━═☆ ┣▇▇▇═—8 ……\\ ( > < ) \/ 哇~出现了 ( ⊙ o ⊙ ) 目瞪口呆 9 (b_d) 戴了副眼镜 ...
▄【┻┳═一 ▄【┳一 ▄【┳-一 【┳═一oO ▄【┻═┳ ┣▇▇▇═—我不知道你要哪一种、所以就都弄来了...希望有你要的
我想问一个数学符号 和 ∩这个符号类似,但是开口是向右边的, 顺便告诉...
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特殊符号怎么打出来 特殊符号大全
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