急急急帮我翻译成英文 不要在线翻译!!谢谢

急急急帮我翻译成英文 不要在线翻译!!谢谢本公司是一家以专业生产高品质PE塑胶软管产品为主,同时能提供塑胶模具开发与产品注塑服务的中外合资企业。 本公司软管产品多样化、齐全化,为客户提供13mm-60mm不同管径的两层或五层圆形管、异形管、透明管、珠光管、有色管、磨砂管、等产品,提供多种牙型及配盖供客户选择,同时可按客户要求,进行特殊产品定制生产

Our company is a Sino foreign joint venture specializing in the production of high quality PE plastic hose products, as well as providing plastic mold development and product injection service. The company's hose products have a variety of specifications, can provide customers with different 13mm-60mm pipe diameter, two or five layers of circular tube, special-shaped tube, transparent tube, pearlite tube, colored pipe, abrasive pipe, and other products. Provide a variety of teeth and cover for customers to choose. Customized production of special products can also be done according to customer requirements.
第1个回答  2018-05-04
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50字一元 很专业的