

老师是花园辛勤的园丁,我们就是花园一朵朵娇嫩的小花,是一颗颗翠色欲流的小草,被“园丁们”修剪得完美无瑕;老师是上帝赐予我们的礼物,让他们把我们变得更加完美;老师是我们的母亲,为我们跑来跑去,也不会抱怨。我和老师曾经发生过一件事情,下面我就给大家讲一讲吧!记得有一次,我去上钢琴课,到了学校,可老师说:“咱们学校停电了,无法开启电动门,你明天再来吧!我回答说:“好吧”。第二天,我又来到了学校,看见老师还在学校门口站着。我很奇怪的问:“老师,你怎么还不进去呀!” 老师回答说:“还没来电呢!走,去他们家做一会儿。”说着,老师带我走进那家餐厅。过了好一会儿,校长(钢琴老师)可算是来了。老师说:“校长,还没有来电呢!”校长说:“走,我带你们去交电费的地方。”过了一会儿,终于到了。老师就去问收电费那个人,说:“不是说好二十四小时就能把电送过来吗?可是现在都过时间了。”收电费的人说:“哦,对不起。我现在就打电话让送电的人把电送去。”老师说:“好吧!”然后,校长把我们带回学校。回到学校,老师发现电来了。我在那学了大概一个点儿的钢琴,就回家去了。从这件事情过去,我感觉老师太伟大了。从前,校长经常因为上课而生病。我发现老师就先母亲一样。因此,我呼吁那些学习不好的学生:好好学习吧!并且我自己也要加油,为了老师对我们付出的辛苦。我在班级里要做一名乐于助人的好学生;在家里要做一个乖巧、懂事的女孩,而且还要认真完成作业,好好练习钢琴。我相信我能做到,不是有句话说的好;我们要相信自己,努力,这样不可能做到的事,也有可能做到。我还要对老师说:“谢谢您!”
第1个回答  2017-04-10
One of the things my teacher the teacher is hard gardener, Garden We are a blossoming garden of delicate flowers-warming deed was appeareded flow of grass, was "gardeners" perfect trim; The teacher is a gift from God, let them take us to become a more perfect; The teacher is our mother, our running around, and don't complain. My teacher and I had a thing, I will talk to us! I remember one time, I went to piano lessons, to the school, but the teacher said: "the power went out in our school, unable to open an electric door, you come back tomorrow! And I said, "Okay". The next day, I went to school and saw the teacher stood at the school gate. I'm surprised the question: "teacher, why don't you go in there!" The teacher replied, "didn't call?! Move, go to their home for a while. So saying, the teacher took me into that restaurant. It took a while, the principal (the piano teacher) can be considered here. The teacher said: "the headmaster, there is no call!" The headmaster said: "Come on, I'll show you where to pay the electricity." After a while, here we are at last. The teacher ask a collection of electricity charges the man and said, "is not to say that can deliver electricity at twenty-four hours? But now all the time." The collection of electricity said: "Oh, sorry. I'm gonna call the power to turn the power on to." The teacher said, "All right!" Then, the president brings us back to the school. Go back to school, the teacher found here. I learned about it a little bit piano, went home. From this thing, and I feel that the teacher is too great. Once upon a time, the principal often sick from school. I found the teacher to mother. Therefore, I appeal to those who learn bad students: study hard! And I also want to go to the teacher for our hard work. I was a good student in the class to be a helpful; At home going to make a clever, intelligent girl, but also to complete homework, practice the piano. I believe I can do it, isn't there a saying that good; We have to believe in yourself and work, so that what can't be done, it is possible to do it. I would also like the teacher said: "Thank you!" Enthused 2016- 02-19, 4, 4 To share the glory of the king of the wedding the people around is also concerned about Wang Kai can be downloaded mobile version of the game to marry the king of glory drainage of thin soup official website the king of telephone recharge the king of glory Hand of glory to get married persons Baidu know answer their questions within ten minutes of the game to immediately download issues related to me and the story of essay of 500 words 285 me XXX and XXX writing 44 essay of 500 words between me and the XXX that Some little 500 words, begged 1 I and good friend XXX (writing, 500 words), urgent urgent 264 to write an essay of 500 words 553 me and the thing the story of 500 words of writing the story of XXX 170 urgent! ! Please, composition I and XXX XXX for question 500 words together! ! Thank you! ! 1 More issues related to recommend more knowledge of the composition of fairy tales on the "composition" (Grade 5249) to write compositions of chrysanthemum, grade three. Urgent urgent urgent urgent ~ ~ 2868 excellent writing highlights 2169 description of the composition of the stone! ! ! Junior! ! ! ! 1126 722 300-Word essay "the adventures of watermelon seeds of science, people have been asking about learning what questions you are asking? Ask me the download immediately


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有一天中午,我实在看不惯它那懒洋洋的样子,按捺不住自己的心情,拿着柳枝,冲进屋子训了它一顿,它好象听懂了,灰溜溜的出去了,我跟着它到了外面,满以为它已经痛改前非去“辛勤工作”了,谁知,它溜到草垛,晒着暖暖的太阳又呼呼大睡起来。。。 “懒虫”也非常调皮,一天我写作文的时候,要抄用一下门口的对联,就...

你我都曾感受过温暖,也许是那阳光照耀在身上的惬意,是冬日一杯热茶的温度,是寒风中裹着厚厚棉衣的庆幸。那份温暖你是否至今还存留在心底?或许,有一份温暖是来自于一个陌生人给予的。 我曾有过这样一次经历,它是我心中永存的温暖。 一个下着雪的冬日,早早起床的我吃过早饭,就赶到马路边等候去学校的公交车。由...




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