

第1个回答  2017-12-13
Do you know Michael jackson? A pop singer with long curly black hair and sunglasses.He is very popular in the world. His fans around the world.He is good at singing and dancing.He is a good man,too.He often goes to the hospital,homeless shelter and so on to see the children.
He is kind to the children.
He is a good father ,too.His children are Prince、Paris and Prince
.The children is very smart.They love their father very much.
As his fans,I love him a lot.He is not only in the heaven ,but also in my heart.
I love him!本回答被网友采纳

一、介绍鲁迅:Lu Xun, formerly known as Zhou Shuren, was China's famous writer, thinker, critic and revolutionist.He had high literary achievements and he was the pioneer of modern Chinese literature, having profound impact on Chinese literature after the May Fourth Movement.His novels...

I love him!

Martin Luther King, Jr;today i will introduce in Martin Luther King, Jr.Martin Luther King , Jr. , who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, was an important political leader in the USA., and Martin Luther King, Jr. struggled for human rights for all the blacks all his life...

1、牛家屯里有一户人家,爷爷奶奶都六十多岁了,不幸都中风,躺在床上不能动,父亲四十多岁,腿有残疾,干不了重活,哥哥二十岁,是家里的主要劳力,弟弟十二岁,辍学在家,照顾爷爷奶奶。 雷锋看到这一家人非常心酸,想帮助他们。他想到一个好主意,帮助十二岁的弟弟,教他读书识字。 于是,雷锋每天利用休息时间,到牛家...

写关于名人的英语作文 100字左右
Thomas Edison was born in 1847, and died in 1931. When he was a child, he was always trying out new ideas. When he was five years old, one day his father saw him sitting on some eggs. He asked his father,"Hens are able to have chicks. Why can't I?"Young Tom was ...

6. 初中英语作文范文10篇 7. 英语作文10篇100字带翻译 8. 初二下册五篇英语作文与英语作文范文10篇 9. 介绍一个名人英语作文范文 10. 五篇优秀英语作文范文 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = "https:\/\/hm.baidu.com\/hm.js?d2...

Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Kentucky on February 12, 1809. When he was a small boy, his family moved to the frontier of Indiana. Here, his mother tanght him to read and write. He loves learning and studies very hard.Lincohn si a great man....


因此,她成为世界上第一个科学家获得两个诺贝尔奖 Madam Curie is a French professor of physics. She was born in Poland in 1867. In 1891 she went to study in Paris University because at that time women were not admitted to universities in Poland. When she was studying in Paris, ...

jackie chan 成龙 jackie chan, april 7, 1954 was born in hong kong vivtoria and native shandong, the greater china area film star and international kung fu movie superstar, in chinese world very prestigious and influence. he and stephen chow chow, saying "double monday into...
