新概念第三册第一课的summary writing怎么做阿?


这课的要求是:In not more than 80 words describe how Alfred Bloggs prevented his wife from finding out that he worked as a dustman. Do not include anything that is not in the last paragraph.(用不超过80个单词描述Alfred 是如何不让他妻子知道他是个清洁工的事实。不包括课文最后一段未提到的内容。)

Alfred only told his wife he worked in the Ellesmere Corporation. He dreessed in a black suit left home every morning and then changed into overalls as a dustman. He took a shower and changed back into his suit every night . He did this about two years and his fellow dustmen didn't told his wife this secret as well.
Then he found a new job as an office clerk, which means his wife would never know he had the experience as a dustman before.
第1个回答  2013-11-21

新概念第三册第一课的summary writing怎么做阿?
这课的要求是:In not more than 80 words describe how Alfred Bloggs prevented his wife from finding out that he worked as a dustman. Do not include anything that is not in the last paragraph.(用不超过80个单词描述Alfred 是如何不让他妻子知道他是个清洁工的事实。不包括课文最后一段...

新概念英语的 Summary Writing 怎么写

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段落summary只需要通读你定位的段落即可 如果你没有很好的定位段落或者跳读的能力的话,一个笨办法:快速的通读全文就好了,怎么也能有个印象吧~~~我考雅思的时候就是这个样子做滴~~~如果是新概念中那种需要自己总结写的summary 我就采用一种方法 通读全文,甚至有的难的段落读个两三遍,总结出每段...

1. 缩写:第三册每课后都设计有一个缩写练习,叫Summary Writing(摘要写作)。这样的练习可以达到如下目的:熟记原文内容,积累语言素材;模仿句型结构,提高造句能力;练习谋篇技巧,学会摘要写作。在教师的指导下,坚持学完每课后,都能完成一篇摘要。 2. 改写:有的学员喜欢背诵新概念课文,这固然不错,但不是每人都能做到篇...

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新概念英语第三册 summary writing
给个网址给你!http:\/\/www.veryen.org\/onlineclassroom\/newconceptenglish_3.html 参考资料:<a href="http:\/\/www.veryen.org\/onlineclassroom\/newconceptenglish_3.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">http:\/\/www.veryen.org\/onlineclassroom\/newconceptenglish_3.html<\/a> ...

翻译的时候,可以添加句子(比如自己的想法、感叹,但是这类补充不能太多),删除冗余信息(帮助不大的信息,比如插入成分),并且适当合理修改情节(如果是记叙文的话)。读完后你可以按照自己对文章的理解进行适当改写。这就叫summary。参考资料:英语牛人团 ...

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