

It is commonly believed that money is everything,but in my pinion,we can"t live without parents and friends.if i had a million dollars,i would travel the world with my parents.and friend.i would put a half of it in the bank.And i would help the poors becouse they need the money, we should have sense of responsibility to help others.If i can help them,i will feel very happy. As far as I am concerned,help others is my duty.if i still have money,i would buy some new books to read. it is indispensable to improve myself. 就这样了不会写了%>_<%
第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-09
What if i win one million dollars
if i win one million dollars, i will be a millionaire. If i am a millionaire, first i am going to help all those poor people around the world. I will give my money to them and help the poor children to go to school. Then i am going to buy myself a big house and a nice car, but that is really all i need. I will give the rest of my monesy to charity if i stil have some left.I believe that happiness is the thing that money can not buy,and if the others are not happy then i can not be happy either. So if i am a millionaire, i will just help the others and make the world a better place to live. We will then be all happy.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-10-26

既然是国家引进,您认为会交给私人从事这个行业吗?不需要工商 税务 公安部门的登记备案吗?那还要法人做什么?





并不是人人都能成功上平台,再到后来又知道上了平台也不一定能拿到几百万 更别说一千多万,也 许到时候下面还有幸能继续发展的话,也许能分个百八十万,但是与付出的时间和青春,失去的亲情、友情,以及一生背负着慌言的负担,甚至担心上面有人胁迫下 面有人报复的巨大心理压力等等这些付出相比,-

区区这点钱又算得了什么呢? 行业里有句话说得非常好:“面对新生事物时,不要轻易的接受,也不要断然的拒绝!”,我做到了!我经过两个多月对这个行业的全面分析和思考,虽然还是没 有把这个行业看透,-

在从事的时间里,因为有很多,我知道的更多,了解的也更明白时,我也做出了自己的选择,放弃这个行业,我知道我不能再这样做下去。朋友,我愿为你解答心里的迷惑。。。。。 ····交·······流········9·9·7·6······7·3·······7·9·1·..·····。本回答被网友采纳


If I had million dollars with you, what were I going to do? The follows are my replay:firstly, I would like to use some of the money to help the poor puples set up a new school to settle them down in it for their aducation. for, youk know, so far there are quite ...

It is commonly believed that money is everything,but in my pinion,we can"t live without parents and friends.if i had a million dollars,i would travel the world with my parents.and friend.i would put a half of it in the bank.And i would help the poors becouse they need ...

回答:汤姆在餐馆的一个桌子上捡到一部手机。请你根据下面的提示写一篇短文,描述一下当时的情景和汤姆的心理活动。 提示:1.失主肯定很着急。 2.手机是橘黄色的,所以可能是以为女士的。 3.手机里存了很多电话号码,所以此手机对失主来说肯定很重要。 4.把手机交给餐馆的服务员。 作文开头:Tom goes to...

if i had a million dollars,i would travel the world with my parents.and the others,i would put 200000 in the bank.i would help the poors becouse they need the money.then i would give it to charity,i can help the other people.because i help them,i can feel very happy....

译文:如果\/倘若我有一百万美元 倘若我有1百万美元,我会怎么做呢?嗯,我会做我想做的。比如,我会给我父母买很多衣服且让他们过得幸福\/开心,我会捐两百万出来给非洲贫困国家还有居住在中国的贫民们。我也会给我未来女友买套大别墅。另外,我会每天都锻炼。但是我又怎么做呢?我会买很多健身器材...

回答:呵呵、这个简单! 这样写: 。 。 。 、 It's dream !

如果有100万美元,做什么? 英语作文
if i had a million dollars,i would travel the world with my parents.and the others,i would put 200000 in the bank.i would help the poors becouse they need the money.then i would give it to charity,i can help the other people.because i help them,i can feel very happy....

如果我有一百万美元,我要偿还学生贷款,然后买一套房子,虽然我可能在这个市场等好几年,直到我们了解更多的要发生什么实际上是对房地产行业的贷款。我会投资了大量的其他部分,虽然我也不知道,即兴在我的头上。那么多的钱超出我所知道如何投资,所以我想现在读一些好书和交谈的几个不错的研发人员。If I ...

以 假如你有100美元,你想干什么 为题 写一篇300左右单词的英语作文
100万美金嘛,你这个数字尴尬 ] If I had a chance to posssess 100 dollars which could be a dream for me ,at first I would think over it for a long time on how to spend the sum of money better.I would go to a restaurant with the money,along with my friends because I ...
