6) 我们确定搞两个开放:一个是对内开放,一个是对外开放。We have decided on an open policy in two respects: to open up both externally and internally.(貌似曾在某正规资料上看到此句是这样翻译。)7) 对于普通人而言,治疗妒忌的唯一办法是快乐。然而困难在于,妒忌本身就是快乐的巨大障碍。F...
1.朋友之间要互相鼓励,互相帮助,这才是真正的朋友 Between friends, you need to encourage and help each other, that is what a true friend would do.2.考试成绩怎么样? 哎,我才得了75分。How are your test results? Ah, I only got 75.3.哈!全班倒数第一!Ha, last in the cla...
1.笑谈词穷 古痴今狂终成空 刀钝刃乏 恩断义绝梦方破 路荒遗叹 饱览足迹没人懂 自嘲墨尽 千情万怨已皆愁 (谈 应该是 淡 吧,更对仗)Fading laughters and limited words, ancient silliness and present craziness have all gone empty. Only when the sword turns blunt and blade becomes ...
i don't know you will forget us or not,but we will never forget these wonderful days(改了下= =改成了我不懂你是否会忘记我们,但是我们不会忘记那些美好的日子,如果感觉太强烈了,你也可以把these wonderful days 改成you)ps,印象深刻感觉怪怪的,不过要是你一定要用的话- -那就是i...
1. The boat has to sail on the water.1.船要在水中航行 2. Due to the hollow boat, they can float.2.因为所有的船中间都是空的,所以他们可以浮在水面上 3. Little boat can help us to sail from one side to another.3.小船能帮助我们从岸的一边到达另一边 4. Some boats are ...
求翻译下面几个句子成英语 要自己翻的 别是软件翻出来的
5,这个10岁的男孩小提琴拉得如此娴熟,在场的人都惊叹不已。The ten year old boy played the violin so well, that everyone present was astonished.6,车祸之后,史蒂威重新评价了自己的人生目标,决定更多地注意外部世界。After the car accident, Steven reevluated his life's pursuit, and ...
...翻译一下以下这些句子! 不要直接从百度翻译那里的。。。 谢谢了!
1、父母总是担心我们的安全(be anxious about)parents are always anxious about our safety 2、瞪着眼睛看人是不礼貌的 it is bad manners to stare at people 3、多亏了老师的帮忙,我们取得很大的进步 without the teacher's helping us, we can not make so much progress 4、他睡着了,张...
请高手翻译一下下面的句子 不要翻译器翻的
safety of the officerooms.2. And be controlled by the automatic water-sparying system.3. I will show you around after the speech.4. There's two exits on the corridor of each building.5. You can call the emergency number on the phone of the elevator.人工翻译,请参考。
上周我收到你的信,你想知道我小的时候世界是什么样子的 现在我告诉你那时候的生活是和现在完全不同的 当我们想要和远方的朋友联系时我们不得不写信 因为我们没有手机或电子邮件 当我们想要到其他城市的时候我们往往会选择骑马或者搭车 之后我们有了公共汽车但是很少人能有自己的汽车 空中旅行更是一种...
1. first, thanks everybody to my support. Now, we start officially. 2. is well known, the Chinese culture is broad and profound, bountiful. 3. I chose several quite typical elements to appreciate together with everybody. the 4. China traditional culture character aspect, regards ...