1.For the first time in its history, China is a country characterized both by small,mostly one-child families and by citizens healthy and prosperous enough to live into old age. But as it enters this new and unfamiliar demographic era, there is much debate about how the rapid aging of the population will affect its long-term economic growth prospects.
2.To understand the changes looming in the offing, recall recent history for amoment. Back when reform and opening was getting underway, the governmentunveiled a host of policies that boosted the productivity of China’s youthfulpopulation. These included the expansion of compulsory education and efforts toboost college enrollment, the development of labor-intensive industries andexpansion of exports, the relaxation of regulations on labor flow, and heavyinvestments in infrastructure. Some academics estimate that such policiescreated a “demographic dividend” that contributed about 15 percent of China’soutsized growth in output per capita between 1982 and 2000.
Another important demographic challenge, with deep roots in China’s history, is there-emergence of a gender imbalance, now abetted by enabling technologies (e.g.ultrasound and sex-selective abortions).另一个重要的人口上的挑战,当然这也是深深植根于中国历史的,是性别比例的严重失衡,而这...
has become a mature women. It has nothing to do with gender, but human growth. She bid farewell to the Shelmerdine, to rebirth in the war, have a daughter, a mother, have a career,
如果你老在日本,你会期望通过一个机器人供应食物,骑的语音识别的轮椅或甚至可能雇佣一个护士在一个机器人套装–所有例子的尖端科技,关心国家的人口迅速老龄化。随着日本人口的近百分之22已经年满65岁,这里的生意已制作由易入汽车遥控床的一切,使护理技术的市场价值2006 1080000000美元。在一个家庭护理...
高分求翻译 机器翻译请绕行~~~
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机器人能帮我们做什么 英语作文五句话
翻译如下 机器人能帮我们做什么 机器人是现代工程技术的奇迹。如果让机器人帮助照顾老人小孩以及做一些简单家务,那么每天可为人节省一个多小时的时间。随着人口日趋老龄化,机器人还能帮助老年人在住所待更长的时间。机器人的责任可能会包括朗读或帮助老人洗澡。有了机器人的帮助,用细长的器械从小切口进入...
1、人口年轻化,收入持续增长为人寿保险业的发展创造了有利条件。 我只知道老龄化是Aging of the population,不知道年轻化能不能用contra-aging of the population.如果不放心,可以直接意译为younger population.Younger population and continuously rising national income create advantaged environment for life insurance...