

Help each other
today I was having a PE lesson when I fell down and hurt my foot. I was in great pain at that moment, but I tried to act as if nothing had happened until the class was over. Though I had difficulty walking back to my classroom, I still didn't tell anyone and even refused the offer of help of my classmates. As a result, the hurt in my foot became worse. Now I know I'm wrong. we can tell others our need for help and accept their help. Some day we can help others in return. In this way, we can get along with each other happily and peacefully.

Love is a very important part in this world today.With the growing modernization of society, the relationships between people are becoming looser and loose. They will feel more isolated than ever if there is no love for each other. Love is the caring and concerning for, and understanding of other people and the acceptance of their strengths and weaknesses. To love and to be loved is the one true happiness in life .
The love of parents is a great support in children's life. It will remain with them and help them overcome all difficulties and make them feel secure. The children's love for their parents is the parents'best reward.

Books are mankind's treasure. They contain the thousands of years of development. The story of man's technoligical, social and political development is all contained within the pages of the world's books. The great inventions, the great leaps in imagination, new ideas for the future are all stored in this wonderful medium.
However, people use this treasure in different ways, generally speaking, people have two different approaches to books,one group uses books to find out more about life, the other uses books to escape from life into a world of imagination.
第1个回答  2008-07-21
1. Limit the consumption of fine sugars

By this, I mean sugars which are powdery or in small cubes which are use to make cakes and other delicacies. So no sugar in your Coffee or tea as from now. Replace white bread with wholewheat breads. Stop drinking sodas. These food products have a high glycemic index: they contain a lot of sugar which are digested and absorbed very quickly by the human body. Cancerous cells need a lot of glucose to develop rapidly. A diet with lots of sugars can favorize the development of tumors in your body. Moreover, your pancreas, the organ which produces insulin in your body, must increase its turnover of insulin to break down surplus sugar. This increase of insulin, according to the chief of cancerology department, stimulates the growth and diffusion of cancerous cells. It is imperative then to limit the consumption of fine sugars.

2. Avoid hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils

You can find them in some margarines and prepared dishes. They have inflammatory properties and prepare the ground for the formation of cancerous tissues. These are also trans fat products. Trans fats lowers the amount of HDL or good cholesterol.

3. Opt for fresh farmers foods

Fresh farmers foods have the advantage of having been cultivated the traditional way. The fruits and vegetables are not contaminated by pesticides and insecticides and the meats are not loaded with steroids and hormones. But beware though. Some farmers do resort to orthodox and unhealthy methods to boost their productions.