


第1个回答  2008-09-27
简介是简单的介绍, 这里不作长篇大论
The Four Great Classical Novels, or Four Major Classical Novels (Chinese: 四大名著) of Chinese literature, are the four novels commonly counted by scholars to be the greatest and most influential in classical Chinese fiction. Well known to every Chinese reader in the 20th century, they are not to be confused with the Four Books of Confucianism (四大经书). The Four Great Classical Novels are considered to be the pinnacle of China's achievement in classical novels, influencing the creation of many stories, theater, movies, games, and other entertainment throughout China, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan.

In chronological order, they are:

Romance of the Three Kingdoms (三国演义) (14th century) (more recently and appropriately known as, and translated as, simply "Three Kingdoms")
Water Margin (水浒传) (also known as Outlaws of the Marsh) (14th century),
Journey to the West (西游记) (16th century),
Dream of the Red Chamber (红楼梦) (also known as The Story of the Stone) (18th century)
Some consider Jin Ping Mei (金瓶梅) (The Plum in the Golden Vase or Golden Lotus) (1610) to be a fifth classic. In the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, Jin Ping Mei along with the above first three novels, was classified as "Four Major Novels of Wonder" (traditional Chinese: 四大奇书; simplified Chinese: 四大奇书) by Feng Menglong (冯梦龙). With the advent of Dream of the Red Chamber, its position has gradually been usurped. It has almost faded into oblivion in the modern era, because Chinese governments often banned it for its explicit description of sex.
第2个回答  2008-09-27
《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West
《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Chamber (The Story of the Stone)
《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins

话说英语考试还是自己写 这个网站上有简介 英文的 自己整理一下吧
第3个回答  2008-10-02
No.1 The Dream of Red Chamber

Once upon a time the goddess Nv Gua level several thousands pieces of stone to repair the damage post of heaven. One extra stone that did not fit and as discard at the foot of a mountain.

This ethereal stone discover a lovely but frail but celestial camp by the river of the spirits in the west. Everyday it watered the plants with sweet dew the plant nourished by the dew took essence of heaven and earth. After centuries of polishing the stone took on human forms and descended to earth and becoming the hero and heroin of the dream of the red chamber a complex brilliant and profound drama.

Among the Chinese classics the dream of the red chamber has been most widely red and studied by the general public and scholars its conception in the later part of the 18th century. Besides its mythical beginning more then 400 human characters come to life in the Jia palace throughout the one hundredth and twenty chapters of this book. They vividly and realistically unveil a pure world and the spiritual world and the love and hatred and the good and evil desiccant and consonant.

For over one hundredth years the dream of the red chamber has attracted millions of people from all walks of life. It especially appeals to young people because the entire antagonist in the story is young as well. The book is a masterpiece due to its vast repertoire and reservoir of artistic achievements the bound philosophy of life simultaneously coupled with a compelling love story.

The hero of the dream of the red chamber is the human form of the discard ethereal stone. He was born holding a precious stone in his mouth and so named Bao Yu precious stone. He is the lifeblood of the Jia family protagonist of the love story and preacher of the philosophy of life. The main plot of the novel is the entangle love triangle among Bao Yu the imperial stone Xian Yu the transform celestial plant and Dai Yuthe destine earthly love possessing the gold medallion with an inscription matching the one on the precious stone from the couple. The secondary plot evolves around the rise and decline of the Jia family.

A series of events of characters unfold around these two plots the detailed and structured analysis of the entwined relationships among the novels innumerous characters. Enable the readers to get a thrall understanding of the rise and decline of a prominent family and a taste of love and hatred joy and sorrow and reunion and separation.

The author Cao Xue-qin was born in the early part of the 18th century during the period of emperor Kong Xi and died in the 27th year of reign of emperor Chin in the Ching dynasty. Historical research reveals that the personal experiences of the authors bare striking similarities to the events setting of this novel.

Bao Yu is protagonist was a pampered child who faced high expectations he took no interest in fame or wealth but rather indulged himself in the company of androgen of female playmate from both high and low classes. He proclaimed that girls are creatures of water and that he could feel that freshness and cleanliness. Whereas men are the beams of slim he was overwhelmed by turbulence and filthiness merely by catching a sight of them. This is not a casual remark dropped by our hero. Indeed his whole life from his thoughts and feelings to his expressions and demeanor evolved around his contempt for fame and wealth His devotion to love and soul and his conspicuous opposition to patriarchal tradition
第4个回答  2008-10-06
《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West
《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone)
《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins
第5个回答  2008-09-28
Once upon a time the goddess Nv Gua level several thousands pieces of stone to repair the damage post of heaven. One extra stone that did not fit and as discard at the foot of a mountain.

This ethereal stone discover a lovely but frail but celestial camp by the river of the spirits in the west. Everyday it watered the plants with sweet dew the plant nourished by the dew took essence of heaven and earth. After centuries of polishing the stone took on human forms and descended to earth and becoming the hero and heroin of the dream of the red chamber a complex brilliant and profound drama.

Among the Chinese classics the dream of the red chamber has been most widely red and studied by the general public and scholars its conception in the later part of the 18th century. Besides its mythical beginning more then 400 human characters come to life in the Jia palace throughout the one hundredth and twenty chapters of this book. They vividly and realistically unveil a pure world and the spiritual world and the love and hatred and the good and evil desiccant and consonant.

For over one hundredth years the dream of the red chamber has attracted millions of people from all walks of life. It especially appeals to young people because the entire antagonist in the story is young as well. The book is a masterpiece due to its vast repertoire and reservoir of artistic achievements the bound philosophy of life simultaneously coupled with a compelling love story.

The hero of the dream of the red chamber is the human form of the discard ethereal stone. He was born holding a precious stone in his mouth and so named Bao Yu precious stone. He is the lifeblood of the Jia family protagonist of the love story and preacher of the philosophy of life. The main plot of the novel is the entangle love triangle among Bao Yu the imperial stone Xian Yu the transform celestial plant and Dai Yuthe destine earthly love possessing the gold medallion with an inscription matching the one on the precious stone from the couple. The secondary plot evolves around the rise and decline of the Jia family.

A series of events of characters unfold around these two plots the detailed and structured analysis of the entwined relationships among the novels innumerous characters. Enable the readers to get a thrall understanding of the rise and decline of a prominent family and a taste of love and hatred joy and sorrow and reunion and separation.

The author Cao Xue-qin was born in the early part of the 18th century during the period of emperor Kong Xi and died in the 27th year of reign of emperor Chin in the Ching dynasty. Historical research reveals that the personal experiences of the authors bare striking similarities to the events setting of this novel.

Bao Yu is protagonist was a pampered child who faced high expectations he took no interest in fame or wealth but rather indulged himself in the company of androgen of female playmate from both high and low classes. He proclaimed that girls are creatures of water and that he could feel that freshness and cleanliness. Whereas men are the beams of slim he was overwhelmed by turbulence and filthiness merely by catching a sight of them. This is not a casual remark dropped by our hero. Indeed his whole life from his thoughts and feelings to his expressions and demeanor evolved around his contempt for fame and wealth His devotion to love and soul and his conspicuous opposition to patriarchal tradition.

4、《OUTLAWS IN THE MARSH》——沼泽地里的逃犯 最早德文译名是《强盗与士兵》;法文译名是《中国的勇士们》;英文译本为《在河边发生的故事》 《西游记》: Journey to the West(去西方旅游) Monkey \/ The Monkey King(猴王No.1 The Dream of Red Chamber Once upon a time the goddess Nv Gua level several...

最早德文译名是《强盗与士兵》;法文译名是《中国的勇士们》;英文译本为《在河边发生的故事》 《西游记》: Journey to the West(去西方旅游) Monkey \/ The Monkey King(猴王No.1 The Dream of Red Chamber Once upon a time the goddess Nv Gua level several thousands pieces of stone to repair the damage...

施耐庵(1296年-1370年)中国小说家。中国四大名著之一《水浒传》的作者。出生于江苏一代,兴化白驹场人。关于他的生平资料正确性有所争议,也有查无此人之说。主要是水浒传一书作者素有争议,有一考为该书根本非施耐庵所写,而是罗贯中所写。在中央电视台拍摄的电视剧《水浒传》中,将作者写做施耐庵和罗贯中。 --- ...

自己这一跳,能不能达到他们预定的要求,顺利完成任务,心里肯怕还没底,只因难抑一时冲动,只为要出人头地,别无他虑。再加上他是趁“王”这重赏而去,勇敢本色中又掺杂着几许争强好胜。 发现“洞天福地”后,众猴们都已陶醉于快乐之中,他却一人端坐在上,‘列位啊,人而无信,不知其可……何不拜我为王。 从...

四大名著:《三国演义》简介 广义国学是指中国历代的文化传承和学术记载,包括中国古代历史、哲学、地理、政治、经济乃至书画、音乐、易学、术数、医学、星相、建筑等。狭义国学则是指中国古代学说。以下是我为大

你读过中国的四大名著之一《三国演义》吗?它使人受益匪浅,正如此,我爱上了历史。 早在东汉末年,因为汉灵帝的昏庸无能,许多想称霸天下的大人物开始出现了,这场长达近百年的大战拉开了帷幕。 作者罗贯中笔下的张飞是鲁莽的,但张飞在我的心中他是一个很不错的人。张飞为什么会这么鲁莽呢?仅是因为他曾是一个屠夫...

中国四大名著之一的《三国演义》是我国古代历史上一部重要的文学名著,中国四大名著之一的《三国演义》是我国古代历史上一部重要的文学名著。 《三国演义》刻划了近200个人物形象,其中最为成功的有诸葛亮、曹操、关羽、刘备等人。《三国演义》以三国时期魏、蜀、吴三个统治集团相互斗争为主要描写内容。它讲述了从东汉末...


10、西晋统一中国 红楼梦:黛玉葬花黛玉魁夺菊花诗宝钗扑蝶宝钗借扇机带双敲宝玉挨打刘姥姥进大观园抄捡大观园梦游太虚幻境 死封龙禁尉元春省亲 迎春诵经 探春结社 惜春构图 湘云拾麟 李纨课子 凤姐设局 巧姐避祸 可卿春闲 妙玉奉茶 湘云醉卧 晴雯撕扇 晴雯补裘 宝玉挨打 平儿行权 鸳鸯抗婚 熙凤弄权 平儿理妆 ...

四大名著 读后感梗概
《西游记》是中国神话小说的颠峰,也是神话文化的至高境界,然后中国的神话文化渐渐没落了,神话不被人重视,连《西游记》也少有人问津,只有孩子们会被孙悟空征服,于是也只有孩子们抱有对未来浪漫的、梦幻般的希望。”三、英雄 “英雄”有许多不同解释。《辞海》中说英雄是杰出的人物,曹操说英雄要有包容宇宙之机,...
