求高手写一篇英语作文fight against haze 内容要包括雾霾会造成哪些危害 我们可以采取哪些应对措施 100字


第1个回答  2017-04-11
First,the impact on the respiratory system;   Second,effects on the cardiovascular system;   Third,haze weather also can lead to formation of ultraviolet weakened near,Increasing the activity of the infectious pathogen in the air,and increasing the infectious diseases;   Tourth,because of the fog lack,Children lack of ultraviolet irradiation,Vitamin D production decreases,the absorption of calcium also decreases,if Serious it can also cause rickets in infants,leading to children's growth to slow down;   Fifth,affect mental health;   Sixth,influence of traffic safety本回答被网友采纳

求高手写一篇英语作文fight against haze 内容要包括雾霾会造成哪些危害...
haze weather also can lead to formation of ultraviolet weakened near,Increasing the activity of the infectious pathogen in the air,and increasing the infectious diseases; Tourth,because of the fog lack,

关于题为“Fight against Haze”(雾霾)的英语作文 (急!!!)

解释雾霾 Haze is air pollution in which is mixed up with dust, smoke and other dry particles ,and it obscure the clarity of the sky and interacts with the natural environment.雾霾原因 This kind of air pollutant come from a variety of natural and manmade sources. Natural sources ...

a kind of weather,has appeared increasing frequently in our cities.Just as the picture showed,when pollution haze es,the whole city was covered with suspended particles which can breath into our body causing heavy problem to our health.


关于雾霾的英语作文,下面写一下翻译,150字。 (内容:雾霾带来的危害和治...
这种空气污染物来自各种自然和人为来源。天然来源可以包括风沙、烟尘从森林大火。人为来源可以包括机动车辆、工业燃料燃烧和制造业务。触动了烟雾的主要原因之一是制造业务。许多工厂测量产生的烟雾对标准和烟雾严重影响空气成为空气污染。雾霾危害The components that make up haze may have negative effect on ...
