举例:One day john was walking along the shore.As he looked down the beach ,he saw a human shadow moving like a dancer .He smiled to himself to think of someone who would dance to the day.so he began to walk faster to ____up
A pick B keep C catch D make
catch up和keep up都有追上.赶上的意思,怎样区分?(在线等,半小时)
catch up是之前便是落后的状态,但后来追上,赶上 比如,赛跑中你比别人落后,但后来你追赶上其他人 可以说I caught up with others in a racing competition 而keep up则是保持一致。即之前你们是处在同一水平上,你没有落后于他,一直与他保持一致。是一种平衡的状态。在例子中可以看出,他是看见...
keep up with和catch up with的区别
1、意思上的区别 keep up with:紧跟;跟上,不落人之后;齐肩并进。catch up with:赶上;追上;和…算旧账;使…最终尝到苦果。2、用法上的区别 keep up with :是有关于你学业/工作的水平而言。(褒义)。catch up with:是有类似于追上的意思。(中性)(或者有自贬意思)。
...作为“赶上”的意思时,和keep up with,catch up with有什么区别...
up with (有一定的距离的追上赶上)赶上,追上;希望采纳
keep up with sb与catch up with sb 的区别 ?
区别就在于keep和catch这两个动词的属性,keep是保持,在词的意义上讲一种状态;catch是赶上,在词的意义上讲的是一个具体的动作。最后用一个例句帮助你理解:Since I caught up with the top student in my class last term, I have been keeping up with him till now. (自从我上学期赶上了...
keep up with与 catch up with意思有什么区别
一、意思不同 1.keep up with意思:跟上,不落人之后,对…消息灵通,保持接触。2.catch up with意思:赶上。二、用法不同 1.keep up with用法:基本意思是“保留,保管,保存,留下,保持”,指使某人或某物继续保持某种状态。引申可作“管理,经营”“料理,照顾”“抚养,养活,饲养”可用作...
...作为“赶上”的意思时,和keep up with,catch up with有什么区别...
come up with作为“赶上”的意思时,和keep up with,catch up with的区别 keep up with (已经走出来的半路上)跟上,不落在…后面:catch up with (有一定的距离的追上赶上)赶上,追上;
keep up with与catch up with作“跟上”讲时有什么区别?
catch up with为“赶上(某人或某事)”,有追上并可能超过的含义。如:We'll do out best to catch up with the advanced industrial countries.我们将尽力赶超先进的工业国家。keep up with作“不落后于(某人或某对手)”解,有与之并驾齐驱的含义。如: The girls had to run to keep up ...
...作为“赶上”的意思时,和keep up with,catch up with有什么区别...
come up with作为“赶上”的意思时,和keep up with,catch up with的区别 keep up with (已经走出来的半路上) 跟上,不落在…后面: catch up with (有一定的距离的追上赶上) 赶上,追上;希望采纳
keep up with和catch up with有什么区别?
想在语言学习的赛场上不落下风?keep up with与catch up with这两个短语正是你的加速器。首先,keep up with,这个动词短语意味着保持同步,紧跟潮流。例如,当他说"He lengthened his stride to keep up with her"(他加快步伐以赶上她),这不仅表达了追赶的动作,更体现了积极的进取精神。在...
keep up with 和catch up with 有区别吗
keep...是保持(进度),原来还是跟上的保持相对静止的 catch...是赶上(进度),原来已经落后了要追上并保持相对静止