

第1个回答  2009-02-20
the guest of the room 1203 checked out at 10:30 this morning.at 1:30 this afternoon he came back and claimed that he left his mobile charger and battery in the room.GRM informed the attendant to check room again however didn't detect the charger and battery. the guest went away angrily.
at 16:40,the attendant(cleaner) called back the GRM and told GRM she found the missing charger and battery for that guest.
GRM informed the sale Dept Ivjing and ask him try every means to contact with that guest.
第2个回答  2009-02-20
The client checked out Room 1203 at 10:30 this morning. At 1:30 P.M. he returned to Hotel,said his cell phone charger and battery were left in Room. GRM informed the attendant to check the room again.And got a feedback that there were nothing in the Room. The client left the hotel angrily. Then at 4:10 P.M, the room department make a call to reception to say that they had found the battery in the room. GRM informed Lvjing of sales dpearment to contact the company,tried to find the client to tell him the news.

全部手动翻译,应该没问题的 哈哈
第3个回答  2009-02-20
The client in Room 1203 checked out at 10:30 this moring,but he returnded at 1:30,said that he left his mobile phone charger and battery in the room. GRM informed the room attendant to check it again,but the attendant reported that there was nothing in the room.The client left with anger. However,the Front received a call that a battery was found in the room at 4:00 pm.GRM informed the sales department to contact the company and tried to find the client to tell him the news.

第4个回答  2009-02-20
Room 1203 Check-out 10:30 this morning, at 1:30 pm guests came to the hotel, said mobile phone chargers and batteries to stay in the room, GRM NOTICE rooms go round again, reported to the front room there is no room, the guests left the hotel some angry , 4:10 pm Room to call the front desk said the room to find a battery, GRM NOTICE Sales Contact lvjing company, think of ways to contact the guests to tell the guests the news本回答被提问者采纳