恋人之间的那种感情交流,热恋中的情侣的心理是热烈、细微的,同时也是多姿多态的。古今中外,有许多诗人由于他们能捕捉到这种微妙的心理而写出了一篇篇传世之作。 莎士比亚是一位写爱情诗的能手,他不仅能从宏观的人生经验和深刻的哲理思考中来写爱情,而且也能抓住刹那间的微妙的爱情心理,写出细腻动人...
Sonnet 18 Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And summer's lease hath all too short a date:Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;And every...
求 莎士比亚 sonnet 18 英文赏析或评论 200个单词以内
Sonnet 18 One of the best known of Shakespeare’s sonnets, Sonnet 18 is memorable for the skillful and varied presentation of subject matter, in which the poet’s feelings reach a level of rapture unseen in the previous sonnets. The poet here abandons his quest for the youth to...
莎士比亚true love英文赏析
赏析 1、“Wandering bark” 指迷失方向的船。对于船只来说,在海上迷失方向是极其危险的。但如果他们找到北极星并按它指引的方向前进,那他们就能得救。迷失的船只象征着恋人们,指引他们前进的就是伟大的爱情。只要心中有爱,任何艰难险阻都无所畏惧。爱是恋人心中的“北极星”,有它的指引,爱之船就...
莎士比亚经典诗歌:Who is it that says most? which can say more Than this rich praise, that you alone are you?In whose confine immured is the store Which should example where your equal grew.Lean penury within that pen doth dwell That to his subject lends not some small glory;...
〔英〕莎士比亚《我的眼和我的心在作殊死战》爱情诗鉴赏 〔英〕 莎士比亚 我的眼和我的心在作殊死战, 怎样去把你姣好的容貌分赃; 眼儿要把心和你的形象隔断, 心儿又不甘愿把这权利相让。 心儿声称你在它的深处潜隐, 从没有明眸闯得进它的宝箱; 被告却把这申辩坚决地否认...
急求 莎士比亚十四行诗第23首英文评论,谢谢,急求
2.英文赏析(这三段是在谷歌英文网上找的)Shakespear’s Sonnet 23 is one of the sequence addressed to a well-born young man. It is of special interest because of its use of a metaphor drawn from acting, a figure that has led to much attention for what the poem might reveal ...
1、Shakespeare Sonnet 12莎士比亚十四行诗 When I do count the clock that tells the time,And see the brave day sunk in hideous night;When I behold the violet past prime,And sable curls all silver'd o'er with white:When lofty trees I see barren of leaves,Which erst from heat ...