(I don't know how long the essay is required;here i assume it is only around 150words)There is a saying goes "learing is a lift long journey". The knowledge taught in class is very limited for someone who is eager to pursue a life long learning and self improving journey....
Our study can be divided into two parts: one is in class and the other is out of class. Both of them are important to students. They depend on each other.We must attach importance to after-class What we have learnt in class is very. limited, because only knowledge in textb...
七年级英语作文 篇1 There is a new downtown that just finished being built. In the opening ceremony, a lot of people came to visit because of the great discount. My friends and I also joined the team, we were attracted by the living atmosphere. We watched the show in front of the big...
(英语作文) 每个人都有自己特别喜欢做的事,在课堂之外,学习之余,你...
I (like) drawing, too. I (often) (draw) pictures with birds, flowers, trees, houses, rivers and mountains. But my (favourite) is the (music). I can play the piano and I can sing a song (very well). They say I am good at music.我...
高一英语作文 翻译下面的 1在课堂上必须认真听讲,记笔记,而且还要积极...
a good learning environment, more practice learning, speaking, reading, reading, and it is the best way that through the ear to learn English, you'd better reading and spelling out, and writing in these things.Above all is very useful, I believe you can learn English well ...
说话是作文的先导,是作文的起步.俗话说:“只有出口成章,才能下笔成文”.在教学过程中,教师可有意识地让学生用词造句,由词生文练习.由易到难,循序渐进地让学生说.可以把现实生活搬进课堂,模拟生活中的各种人物、情景,让学生在真情实感的角色扮演中 进行口语交际.让学生把生活中的人物通过语言、动作...
课堂是接触其他想学同样语言的人的好途径,而且这种接触也不仅限在课内。 为什么课外不常碰头,在复习时或考试前互相帮助呢?你们可以对自己感到困难的问题交换意见,也可以互相交换各自找到的有用材料的信息。在你学习不顺利之时,你的伙伴不仅会是同情你、支持你忠实听众,他们也能为你出注意,提供多种方法 ,帮助你...
二,了解中西方文化差异是写好英语作文的前提。文化差异不仅包括人文地理和民俗风情的不同,还有很多语言习惯也大不相同,学习时我们不能局限于课程上所了解到的内容,还应在课下多查阅相关资料,更多地了解西方文化知识及背景,开阔视野,也为英语写作积累素材。例如:作文题目为“My favorite festival...
英语作文 高一 叙述大家对考试的看法 1-考试重要:可以通过考试了解自 ...