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Wing & Run Translation Studio presents the following works:

To begin with, this subject makes a brief introduction to the six principles of general design of back-compacted dumpcart. Afterwards, a detailed analysis is presented on the six principles one by one, on the basis of which a comparison with the structure of the traditional dumpcart is made, reaching to the final design scheme. On the part of design calculation, the structure quotients of the dumpcart are confirmed in accordance with the design requirement, and the engine of the dumpcart is chosen in accordance with the structure quotients.

第1个回答  2006-06-04
This topic introduces to pack to compress 6 principles of total design of the type garbage truck behind first, then carried on the detailed argument analysis to this 6 principles one by one in order, carrying on the comparison with traditional garbage truck organization on this foundation, making sure to design the project.At design the calculation part, requested to make sure the structure parameter of the garbage truck according to the design, and launched the machine to carry on to choose the type to the garbage truck according to the structure parameter

