But, by year 2023, the emission reduction due to fossil fuel displacement would be higher than that emission release due to land conversion thereby causing net reduction of GHG emissions. Starting 2032, there would be no more release of GHG emissions from land-use change as well, instead there would be reconversion of crop lands to pasture and forest lands thereby causing net sequestration of GHG emissions. This is because biofuel mandates and targets beyond 2020 are assumed to be kept at 2020 level. Thus, the analysis demonstrates that expansion of biofuels causes increase in global GHG emissions in the short-run but reduces GHG emissions in the long-run as long as biofuel mandates remain at the same level.
要求,请求的英文翻译是“requirement”和“request”。requirement 要求 requirement是一个名词,通常用来描述某种需要满足的条件、事物或标准。在商务、学术或日常生活中,我们经常可以遇到这个词。例如,一个工作的任职要求,或者完成一个项目所需满足的条件等。此外,还可以表示一种必要性的存在。request 请...
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people were wounded ,even killed . According to the history events , I can't hardly believe human nature can be changed and the people's goal to create a peaceful world through struggle can be reached rather than seeking for our profit in our lifetime.仅供参考。
Defect in China's education system China's education system is not adequate 3.和旅游业的发展有密切的关系 Closely related to tourism development.4.趋散围观者 Dispersing the spectators \/ bystanders \/ onlookers.5.含混不清的一封电子邮件 An obscure e-mail.This e-mail is rather vague.6...
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