As we all know, maybe money are not effective tool to help a poor people get rid of poverty the same as a nation. Thus, should we provide another kind of help to the poverty-stricken area instead of direct financial aid? I will discuss pros and cons of both type in following passages, and give my opinion at end.
Obviously, the currency is most direct aid to those poverty-stricken countries. They can use money to build roads, hospital, factory which can create employment and stimulate local economy. Building school making sure everyone could gain better education is equally important to local economy. However, the things do not always go as we expect, for example, the money may not spend on education system or other government economic project. It often goes into some government staff’s pocket. That is why we can not see any effect on what we have done.
Then, some people suggest that we should change the aid type to another more effective one. For instance, we could do the some things, like build roads and bridges, for them instead of direct financial aid. Providing tools, such as bicycles and machines, is also a very useful method. However, there are also some problems to do so. Firstly, before doing the aid, doing research is very essential for local, because we do not know what are the most needs for them. Secondly, we are not familiar with local customs and traditions, which may cause some misunderstanding between nations.
After seriously consideration, I have to say the financial aid is also necessary to the poverty-stricken area, at the same time, providing another helping type is equally important.
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As we know, maybe money is not an effective tool to help poor people get rid of poverty the same as a nation. Thus, should we provide another kind of help to the poverty-stricken area instead of the direct financial aid? I will discuss pros and cons of both type in fo...
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