

Spider-man is a superhero film directed by American director Sam raimi.


Based on marvel comics, it stars tobey maguire and kirsten dunst.


It premiered in the United States on May 3, 2002.


The film focuses on a student named Peter parker who is bitten by a genetically modified spider.


Armed with superhuman powers, he vows to fight crime with his superpowers.



《蜘蛛侠》剧情介绍:彼得帕克(托比•马奎尔 Tobey Maguire 饰)只是美国一个平凡的高中生,当一次他被蜘蛛博物馆偷跑出来的变种蜘蛛咬了一口之后,彼得的生活彻底改变了。


彼得好友哈利的父亲诺曼(威廉•达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)是一家生物科技公司的老板,因自己公司生产的飞行器没得到军方首脑赏识而苦恼不堪。


第1个回答  推荐于2017-12-15
1.蜘蛛侠(Spider-Man)是惊奇漫画(Marvel Comics)的超级英雄。
是由Stan Lee和Steve Ditko两名作者创造的。蜘蛛侠本名叫Peter Benjamin Parker(彼得·本杰明·帕克)。Peter是一个孤儿,他和叔叔Ben和他的婶婶May一起生活。蜘蛛侠是一个纯粹的漫画角色,在这方面他有着特殊的本领,另一方面在平日里他又有着许多的麻烦和问题。

Spider-man (Man) is surprised Spider - Marvel Comics) comic (super hero. Stan is by Lee and Steve Ditko two writers created. Spider-man name is Peter Parker early (Peter Benjamin Parker). Peter was an orphan, he and his uncle Ben and his aunt May live together. Spiderman is purely a cartoon character, in this aspect, he has a special skill, on the other hand, he has a lot on the problems and trouble.

与此同时,哈里的父亲、军火商人诺尔马-奥斯本(Norman Osborn,威廉-达福饰),也正在经历他自己的一些变数。一次实验方案出了差错,诺尔马的智慧和力量大增,但也让他陷入了精神错乱。诺尔马现在成为了蜘蛛侠的主要对手----绿恶魔,他将彻底考验年轻的彼特-帕克与犯罪行为作战、帮助无辜人们的誓言。随后还有夜魔侠,鬼面骑士.

Peter parker school since his parents died, with the beloved mei leeuz uncle Ben and live together in queens, New York. Peter had a common student life, in newspapers as a photographer, like the beauty of Mary and Jane Watson - - often with friend Henry - osborne wandering together.
In a school of tourism, Peter and his students visited a relevant arthropod science exhibition, Peter was a genetically modified during the spider a bite. Soon after, he found himself with the unusual ability: he became a power and skill of agile, and also has spider-man a keen sense of perception "spider."
Peter first use of his ability to earn money, but lose everything, his uncle Ben words in love with super-human strength: "take great responsibility", he vowed to his life to fight crime and.
Meanwhile, harry's father, arms dealers who Noel horse - osborne Norman Osborn, William (act), are also incumbency of some of his own experiences. The scheme is wrong, Noel horse's wisdom and strength, but also let him into insanity. Noel horse has become the main rival spider-man - green demon, he will thoroughly tested young Peter parker and crime fighting, help the innocent people vows.Then there's face, night ghost rider.
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