

1. "Death poetry" Feedback
In the "educational and scientific research methods" class, we appreciate and admire a U.S. film "Death Poetry Society," its story takes place in the 1959 Wilton Preparatory School, which was a stifling personality era, perhaps we still in this era. In the celebration ceremony, the students wear the same uniforms, a voice said the school motto: tradition, discipline, honor, excellence. School auditorium solemn and lifeless, but the youth, rebellion, or vitality from their eyes leaked out. Where the mode of education is fixed, not only monotonous and ideological constraints.

   However, all in the hands of a new teacher has changed. Teachers hybroxybutyric anti-traditional teaching methods to bring a glimmer of angry college. A group of students under his guidance, learn how to choose their own life, to give them resistance to repression and binds to the teaching system, but to a student's suicide and hybroxybutyric teachers for the end of the speech. Arrangements行云流水plot, no fancy, you can claim to be the story of a very pure. Only in the comedy style of the first half came gloomy conclusion, the number of people feeling a bit gloomy, but it is this feeling of defeat was a reality, and the final scene in a depression in the climax, and raised the moral of the film .

   All along, the school education is the essence of self-righteousness of their their traditional. However, this tradition comes from the adult community of traditional realism, rather than from the parties of their youth as young children's Romantic tradition. In adult society, for their instinct and their materialism instill character education in schools诸种the system, and, as teachers, as parents, they thought that everything we are doing out The purpose of the protection of children. They believe that only a real benefit in carrying out the education system under the child to grow up before they can from any injury.

   Therefore, we should learn from the economic, learning the law, learn the rules of survival. At the same time, has learned to yield. Realism in their education and training, we are the world of adults infected with a variety of qualities, we become a reality, we become instant success. We may be a design in line with their accounting, doctors, lawyers, politicians ... ... But at the same time, we have gradually lost their lives in the nature of creativity, the rebel force, vitality.

   In hybroxybutyric world, we see how an education in the institutional and dogmatic to become the story of deportees. In his classroom, he encourages students to stand on desks, and with a new perspective to observe the world around; he introduced to students thinking of many poems. He advocated freedom of divergent thinking of philosophy in the students caused a huge reaction. Gradually, some people accepted him, began to bravely face every day, to grasp their own life.基汀met in the absence of teachers, we are not aware of our destiny;基汀met the teacher in, our desire to be free to expand the non-containment. As a result, we see our lives are facing, it was kind of a tragedy!

   If we say that this film yard there are two different worlds, one is a symbol of bondage and oppression of the real world, and the other is embodied the dream of freedom and passion of the world. Well, these two worlds is hybroxybutyric point of contact. He is the real world of teachers, is a halo of the real world many people, but he also guided the students to discover and cherish the helm of his dream to help students face their own frankly, in the face of the lives of friends. He does not teach them the same look at the world, so different from themselves, to challenge those in the eyes of others is the golden rule of dogma and take the real want to practice their own way. Whether it is for students to tear up the authority on the evaluation of poetry in their own hearts to reading materials, or allow them to see how he is with other people's footsteps to change their pace, hybroxybutyric with his charisma infection in this group of false imprisonment where young people suppressed for too long, so that they resumed flying the courage and passion longing to fly. However, belonging to hybroxybutyric their outcome was the school because of "poisoning" of students to get rid of the thinking of the name, it seems closest and distant in time and space, those of the Challenger, betrayer of the tragic fate of frustration echoed. Pirates fire bright people, while they can only Forever burdened with the Pirates of the notorious, silently walked away.

   "Death poetry" from start to finish so I was one level of passion invasion, but this is not heaven, it never left the real world. I would like to film in today's practical significance may be like a materialistic society to renew its call for humane care of school education.

2. "Death poetry" Feedback
I entered the jungle, because I hope to live a useful life, I would like to live deep and learn from the lives of all of the essence, the non-life all the rout, so as not to let me in the end of life found themselves never survive. "


   After reading each of these films, all I am a deeply shocking. Like "Les in the spring" "A Beautiful Mind," "Emperor Penguins."

   Just to see the "death poetry" This name, thought it was a similar to the "Peacock" boring suppressed. Thought the contrary, the entire video is filled with a youthful vitality, and that the passion that belongs to the young.

   The most attractive of course, that self-called "master" of the new teachers John • butyrate. Video at the beginning of the school described in the "traditional, honor ..." religious rules and a series of classroom and other harsh stereotypes seem to be the same for the appearance做铺垫butyrate. To highlight his difference with the vertical. The fact is also true.

   In the first lesson, he led the students to go out to listen to the photo on the previous Yingjie issued shouting, "Dean cloth", save the days, timely picking buds; He encouraged the students to tear off the book was the theory that Asia The paper covered, he led them into the temple of poetry, saying that "poetry, romance, love" is the true meaning of life;

   He told them to recite verses of those sages who, "because you exist, because life and individual existence, because the great drama continues, because you can dedicate a poem, yes, because you can dedicate a poem. Then you will be dedicate a poem what does "he tells his students to ask questions, using a unique way to make them self-contemplation.

   He points to allow students to the podium, with a different point of view of the world, as the higher station, to see farther and more objective. He used to walk the way of obedience to these young people the seriousness of the beginning people have their own pace, after a period of time, footsteps tend neat, and even reunification. He advocated that they should adhere to their own pace, to go its own way, just as he recited the verse as: "two roads in the forest bifurcation, I chose people that small."

   He encouraged the students to write from his own works from the time and at the same time with his style hybroxybutyric allow students to call their own views.

   In this movie we have seen a group of young people full of youthful vigor, if the hybroxybutyric likened to a master, then they are a group of "sailors" who died in private to find that poetry club site, the shuttle in the evening twilight dark woods, they also have the courage to pursue love, but also took to heart the dream of the drama performance of Neil, they brave, innovative, self-confidence, no lack of romance, but also that the Writing case crashed, mutual Chuan scramble notebook , in the dissemination of football passion, as well as Neil's death had brought their hearts bitter blow撕心裂肺cry all ... everything so that we are deeply moved and shed tears.

   They are like a group of sailors, under the leadership of the captain勇敢地向old traditions, rigid feudal education system and parents groups stubborn resistance, although the outcome of a very painful price: Neil, wearing his dream Corolla loaded with pure dead, Seeing the captain vowed to "because I hope to live a useful life, I would like to live deep and learn from the lives of all of the essence, the non-life all the rout, so as not to let me in the end of life has never been found themselves living the" tears , Room faithful grief stricken had to get copies signed against one's name.

   However, the war failed? When PHB with his material out of the classroom, when students jumped on a desk shouted "master", when they四目相对, tears. We know that, no, do not lose!

   Out of the classroom, the wind has dried the tears his face, leaving the convulsive moment, thinking of many. A good film, a good works, a good teacher ... its impact is really very great. I can not help but for their own day of doing nothing is no dream, but also from time to time the "depressing" attributed to be ashamed of, yes, I will dedicate the world what a poem does? Seem to hear, "Dean cloth" cries to speed up the pace ...

《死亡诗社》观后感1 这部电影讲述的是一位教师和他的学生之间的故事。 结局感人至深,落泪了。 尼尔喜欢演戏,父亲却一再要求他考哈弗学医。从来没有和孩子进行等位沟通,了解孩子内心真正的想法和喜欢的东西。以一位长辈的口吻强势要求孩子放下自我的爱好去做自我强加给他的事情(真想一个巴掌甩过去)。尼尔妥协了。...

《死亡诗社》观后感1 《死亡诗社》是威尔顿学校的一个组织,而威尔顿的荣誉毕业生,从伦敦回来执教的新教师约翰。基廷回校出任英文教师,也曾经参加过"死亡诗社"这个组织。 基廷给同学们讲说了诗社的秘密,在尼尔同学的倡导下,"死亡诗社"得以重建,查理,纳克斯,米克,卡麦隆等同学热烈的响应下,怯懦的托德也加入了进来,从此...

《死亡诗社》观后感一 我们的教育要教给学生什么呢?---独立思考,解放思想,追求心中的理想,是我看这部电影得出的感悟。 “CREPDIM,抓住这天,正因我们都会死去。”影片的开头,基廷就对他的学生说这样的话。 我们被太多的期望和压力在约束着,因此我们从来没有好好想着怎样抓住这天,只是一向在追求未来,实现别人的期...

死亡诗社观后心得1 我很喜欢一部叫做《春风化雨》(也称《死亡诗社》)的电影。每一次我看完这部电影,都有一股强烈的震颤在心中回荡,让我久久不能释怀。 电影的开篇有这样一句台词:“你的一生可曾因为什么人而改变过?我没有。但我知道美国威尔顿贵族学校里那群学生的道路被一个老师改变了。” 电影中描绘了一名...



——《死亡诗社》观后感 我总觉得,银幕上所体现的相对于我们的现实生活是独立的。从物质的角度来讲,电影其实只是一束光:大幕拉起——灯光熄灭——除了你的灵魂,就只剩下了那束光……在其中,你能发现什么,你便会拥有什么。在路上,几近成名,任逍遥,可头发乱了。哎呀呀哺乳的年代已经过去,...


死亡诗社(Dead.Poets.Society) 不得不说这部电影是我心目中的最佳经典 ,在我看第二、第三遍时依然激动得热泪 盈眶。 在这个全美最优秀的预备学校中,在“传统” 、“荣誉”、“纪律”、“优秀”四大教学原则下 ,尼尔的死亡确实是一个悲剧。 尼尔的父亲非常顽固的希望尼尔未来能够 成为一名医生,...

死亡诗社 观后感
