1、put away pick out put down pick up四个词组是什么意思?怎么使用?请举例?
2、the local people are now in charge of hongkong,which was once in the charge of the british for one and a half century.
steve has a lot of work to in the office
put away:收起来,储存.People put away their tools after work.人们在劳作结束后收好工具.pick out:挑选出\/辨别出.I picked out the best ones.我挑出了最好的那些.He'll be easy to be picked out by his red hat.他很容易就会凭着他的红帽子被认出来的.put down:放下\/写下\/贬低.Put ...
几个动词填空,英语高手快快来,come ~
1、Walk 沿着这条街走,在你的左手边你会看到饭店。祈使句。2、Travelling 在那个乡村旅行是一件很愉快的事情。Travelling 动名词作主语。3、to help 在他需要帮助时我们一定要尽其所能的帮助他。what we could 做do的宾语,to help him为了帮助他。4、be watered 这些花一定要一周浇三次,否则会...
英语高手快快来啊!(翻译课文 )
1、I would rather drink black coffee than _put_ (put)some milk in it.2、They are really sad because they (have lost)(lose)three matches so far 3、After (having revised)(revise)for the exam carefully ,she was very confident。4、(Will)you(hsow)(show)me around ...
英语作文 悬赏50 (最加20) 英语高手快快来 要速度完成
Earth Hour | turn off the lights ╱ ╲ What people are doing What people plan to do | | Enjoy themselves in different ways Change lifestyles take a walk with the family eat less meat chat with friends in the park use cloth shopping bags play games outside ...
跪求《汉译英》 高手快快来
赌一个她爱我的承诺 for a promise of her love 或许对现代人来说 for the people now days 这是一个很大的赌注 this is big gamble 因为没有多少个人 becuase there is noone 愿意用自己一生中 would like spend their whole life time 最活力的四年时间 the most energetic 4 years time 去...
这些马铃薯怎么卖?这些是三元一公斤,那些四元 我要这些。要两斤 三元钱。给你 谢谢
英语高手快快来给我家宝宝起个英文名字 谢谢了 - 百度宝宝知道
只是因为个性拿来给你看看.你也没说性别我就都给一点吧.Perique 意为上等的黑色烟草 Ajex 阿杰克斯 是<荷马史诗>里的一个英雄 Merlin 玫琳 亚瑟王的幻术家,预言家.Yearn 思慕,向往的意思 Infanta 尹芬达 是西班牙古时候的一位超级美女的名字.Danae 塔那厄 古时阿耳戈斯国王的小女儿 ...
Soledad 这个英文网名是什么意思啊???英语高手告诉我啊!!!快快来啊...
您好 Soledad的意思是:孤独的意思 如果满意 望采纳 如有疑问 欢迎追问 谢谢
English Heaven- I like this one!!