



人物:Little Duck,Miss Cat, Miss Rabbit,Mr Dog

旁白:Little Duck要去看望外婆。一路上他又唱又跳,高兴极了。在小河边,他碰到了Miss Cat。

Duck:(很好奇)Hello,Miss Cat.Whatre you doing?

Cat:(急得抓耳挠腮)Hello,Little Duck.Theres a big fish in the river.Im hungry,but I cant get it.

Duck:Dont worry.Let me help you.

(Little Duck跳进水里,一会儿就帮Miss Cat抓到了鱼。)

Duck:Here is the fish for you,Miss Cat.Have a good meal.

Cat:Thank you,Little Duck.You are so kind.

Duck:Thats all right,Miss Cat.I must go now.Im going to my grandmothers home.Bye-bye!


(Little Duck继续赶路。忽然他看到Miss Rabbit躺在草地上,连忙跑过去。)

Rabbit:(躺在草地上)Oh,Little Duck.I run too fast and my leg is broken.I cant stand up and I cant walk.

Duck:Dont worry.Let me help you.

(Little Duck拿出一条手帕帮Miss Rabbit包扎好伤口,然后扶着她回家。)

Duck:Dontworry,Miss Rabbit.Youll getwellsoon.

Rabbit:Yes,I will.Thank you,Little Duck.Its so kind of you.

Duck:Not at all,Miss Rabbit.But I must go now.Im going to my grandmothers home.Good-bye!


(Little Duck唱着歌又开始上路了,走着走着,他看到Mr Dog坐在家门口,看上去非常着急。)

Duck:Good morning,Mr Dog.You look worried.What can I do for you?

Dog:Oh,good morning,Little Duck.I got a letter from my friend,Mr Cock.ButIcantread and Idontknow what he wants me to do.

Duck:Dont worry,Mr Dog.Let me help you.

(Mr Dog笑呵呵地把信递给Little Duck,Little Duck很仔细地将信的内容读给Mr Dog听。)

Dog:(满意地笑)Thank you,Little Duck.Its really very kind of you.

Duck:Youre welcome,Mr Dog.(抬头看看挂在半空中的太阳)But I must go now.Im going to see my grandmother.

Dog:(摸摸Little Duck的头)Dont worry,Little Duck.Let me send you to your grandmothers home.

Duck:Thank you,Mr Dog.

(Mr Dog驮着Little Duck一路欢歌笑语向外婆家跑去……)


Daughter of the Sea
Scene 1 Sea Palace
Grandma: Finally, you’re back! How’s the shopping on the ground?
Little Mermaid: Well, the supermarket is really fantastic! Let’s see what I’ve got… This is the fried fish, and this is the spicy hamburger from McDonald, and here, (holding the tape-recorder) WOW! Hi-tech product!
Grandma: Cool, and we won’t worry about our dinner today. What’s more, did you see anything unusual there?
Little Mermaid: Sure! The storm came and a ship was nearly destroyed!
Grandma: Well, that’s commonplace. Go and swim with your sisters now!
Little Mermaid: Thanks, grandma.
Scene 2 Seashore
(Narrate: Little mermaid doesn’t tell Grandma more about the ship. She also saw the people who drowned in the sea. Among them there was a handsome young man with big blue eyes and curl hair. Little Mermaid soon fell in love with him, and saved him by sending him to the seashore)
Little Mermaid (dragging the prince): He’s sure heavy! (Throwing the prince onto the shore)
(A woman comes along, and Little Mermaid hides herself behind a board, which reads” You can’t see me”. The prince wakes up)
Woman: Oh! You’re alive!
Prince: Sure am I! You saved me?
Woman: Come on, this way!
(Prince goes away, and Little Mermaid puts the board down, sits still, sadly)
(Duck Ugly passes by)
Duck Ugly: Badibadidibadidibadididido…(knocks into Little Mermaid) Oh! Sorry.
Little Mermaid: Why are you so happy, Duck Ugly?
Duck Ugly: Because I’m going to the clinic of the Sea Wizard! He’s gonna turn me into a beautiful goose!
Little Mermaid: That’s wonderful! How can I contact him?
Duck Ugly: You may call 5643456 at any time of the day. Also you can visit his private website, and the IP address is www.wizard.com.
Scene 3 At the Wizard’s
Little Mermaid: Excuse me, but is this Sea Wizard’s house?
(No one answered)
(Little Mermaid comes in, only to find that there is a monk saying something rapidly in a low voice, with his right hand holding a bunch of prayer beads)
Little Mermaid: Sir! What are you doing?
(Music on. Backstreet’s “I want it that way”, the monk dances to the music)
Monk: Er-Mi-Tuo-Buddha! I am the wizard of the sea. What do you want, darling?
Little Mermaid: You! Why, I’ve never seen you before!
Monk: That’s true. I’m an exchange wizard from China. Anything wrong with you, girl?
Little Mermaid: Yeah. I’d like to turn my tail into legs, and can you give me a hand with it?
Monk: That’s easy. (Takes out a broad saber)
(Light off, and a sharp voice can be heard)
Monk: All right! You have them now!
Little Mermaid: Thank you, sir! (Leaving)
Monk: One more thing. From now on, you owe me something! God bless you, I just can’t remember what it is according to the writer. Well, go as you wish. Er-Mi-Tuo-Buddha!
Scene 4 In the Prince’s House
(Narrate: Little Mermaid successfully gets into the prince’s house because of her beauty, and soon the prince regards her as his best friend. But the prince is ordered to marry another woman at once in order to be the king of this country. On hearing this Little Mermaid is extremely sad. One day, however, she met with the wizard)
Monk: I don’t think you are living a good life here. As I can see, the prince is going to marry another person, not you. And as a result of that, you will have to die if he really does. (Takes out the saber, passes it to Little Mermaid) The only way to solve the problem is to kill him. Understood?
Little Mermaid: (nodded slightly)…
(In the prince’s bedroom. The prince is sleeping heavily. Little Mermaid goes up to him quietly)
Little Mermaid: Oh, love! To kill, or not to kill, that is the question. (Hesitates for a while, then begins to attack)
Prince: (Suddenly jumps up and protects himself with his own sword) You dare attack me! Speak to my sword!
(The two begins to fight. During the fight, they hurt each other badly. Finally, both of them die)
(The monk goes up, and put two handkerchiefs on their faces)
Monk: Sigh! Er-Mi-Tuo-Buddha!
第1个回答  2009-03-11