Logical Positivism/Empiricism (Peter and Olson 1983)
1. Science discovers the true nature of reality.
2.Only the logic of justification is needed to understand science.
3.Science can be understood without considering cultural, social, political, and economic factors.
4.Science is objective.
5.Scientific knowledge is absolute and cumulative.
6.Science is capable of discovering universal laws that govern the external world
7. Science produces theories that come closer and closer to absolute truth.
8.Science is rational since it follows formal rules of logic.
9.There are scientific rules for doing science validly {e.g., falsification).
10.Scientists subject their theories to potential falsification through rigorous empirical testing.
IT. Measurement procedures do not influence what is measured.
12. Data provide objective, independent benchmarks for testing theories.
Modern Empiricism (Hunt 1984)
There is a real world and, although science attempts to discover the nature of reality, the "true" nature of reality can never be
known with certainty.
It is useful to distinguish between the procedures that science uses to discover its knowledge-claims from those that science uses to accept or reject (justify) its knowledge-claims. The academic discipline of philosophy of science historically focused on issues in justification.
The procedures that science uses to justify its knowledge-claims should be independent of cultural, social, political, and economic factors.
Although complete objectivity is impossible, science is more objective in justifying its knowledge-claims than nonsciences, e.g. medical science is more objective than palmistry.
Scientific knowledge is never absolute. Much of scientific knowledge is cumulative, i.e., we really do know more about the causes of infectious diseases today than we did 100 years ago.
Science attempts to discover regularities among the phenomena in the real world. Some of these regularities are stated in universal form and others are stated in probabilistic form.
Much of scientific knowledge is cumulative. Absolute truth is not knowable by science.
Science is rational since its purpose is to increase our understanding of the world. It does so through developing theories, models, lawlike generalizations, and hypotheses which purport to describe, explain, and predict phenomena,
There are norms for doing good science. For example, theories should be testable, measures should exhibit reliability and validity, and data should not be fabricated or otherwise fraudulently collected.
Theories are subjected to the empirical testing process.
Absolute perfection in measurement procedures is impossible.
The empirical testing process provides good grounds for accepting some knowledge-claims and rejecting others.
科学是理性的,它的目的在于增加对世界的认知。因此,提出了科学理论、模式、似法律概论以及假设来描述、解释、以及预测现象。There are norms for doing good science. For example, theories should be testable, measures should exhibit reliability and validity, and data should not be fabricated or ...
科学来源于社会实践,服务于社会实践。它是一种在历史上起推动作用的革命力量。在现代,科学技术是第一生产力。科学的发展和作用受社会条件的制约。现代科学正沿着学科高度分化和高度综合的方向蓬勃发展。 (2)科学在日常语言中的用法 知识体系 science的本来含义是系统知识。 要求:1\/在逻辑上前后一致,不自相矛盾 2\/...
名词解释:1:行为科学 2:管理层次与管理幅度
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1+1=2就是数学当中的公理,在数学中是不需要证明的。又因为1+1=2是一切数学定理的基础,所以它也是无法用数学的方法证明的。 至于“1+1为什么等于2?”作为一个问题,没要求大家必须用数学的方法证明,其实只要说明为什么1+1=2就可以了,可以说这是定义,也可以说这是公理。不过用反证法还是可以证...