3. The Indonesian authorities say thousands of people may remain trapped under rubble after the massive earthquake in Sumatra. In all more than 1,100 people are confirmed dead.
4. Stock markets across the world have fallen after new unemployment figures from the United States raised concerns that the recovery from the global economic crisis will be slower than expected. The London and Frankfurt indexes fell by more than 1.5%, Paris by 2%. In the Untied States itself, markets edged slightly downwards after unemployment rose to its highest level in 26 years.
The Indonesian authorities say thousands of people may remain trapped under rubble after the massive earthquake in Sumatra.印度尼西亚当局声称,在这次苏门答腊的大地震后,将会有数千人被困在房屋倒塌后的废墟里。authorities做复数,意思是当局,官方 rubbles原意式瓦砾,乱石,在这里意思是房屋倒塌后...
When I stagger the crowd, to see which of your instant, my life has only just begun.2.时光如水,总是无言。若你安好,便是晴天。Time water is always silent. If your well is sunny.希望帮到楼主的忙
1. If you love animals, and when a vegetarian, you have good motives.2. Vegetarian, must be based on respect for life, and human should be better treatment of animals on the idea.3. My point of view, the world's future and we now how to deal with those of us who tak...
英汉翻译 考试急用 采用加分
急急急!采用加分 11 2012-01-16 求英文翻译,采用后再加分! 2 2009-06-06 英译汉~谢谢大家~为了表示感激~翻译的好~会给加分~~急~急... 2006-05-30 请高手帮忙英译汉,急用,谢谢。如翻译的好,继续追加分 2 更多类似问题 > 为你推荐: 特别推荐 全球首张奥密克戎毒株图公布:新变异株传染性或...
还好还好,专业词汇不是很多。帮你一个字一个字的敲出来了,希望帮上忙^^ Engineering is a profession, which means that an engineer must have a specialized university education. Many government jurisdictions also have licensing procedures which require engineering graduates to pass an ...
have the secretary prepare the details.W:我会叫我的秘书准备详细资料。Our talk is so successful that our business will take off as if a plane.我们的会谈很成功,我们的公司将象飞机一样起飞。Now,the dinner is resady,I recommend the lobster.现在,晚餐已经准备好了,我推荐龙虾。
英语翻译 不要翻译器 先给30 好的我加分 切记不要翻译器!!!《先写...
1.There are three separate sources of danger in supplying energy by nuclear power.2.First, the radioactive material must travel from its place of production to the power station. Although the power stations themselves are strongly built, the containers used for the transport of the ...
英语翻译 有加分
在财务分析中,这种方法就更加显得重要. 任何一种单独的分析方法均不足以支持决策的制定. 最佳的决策只能通过多种综合的分析结果中而来,因为这种方法是通过展示多种的可选项(让管理者)有一个全局的判断。所以, 在制定决策的时候,管理者多会通过多种不同的分析方法,而绝不会仅采用单独的一种。使用...
I have always been thinking that in China Sutudents have a hard time before taking the entrance exams for colleges while in America students are happy and comfortable before entering the college. But now it seems to be wrong to believe that they are comfortable and happy because ...
从那时起,生产就一直没有倒退过。(setback)From then on,the production has never met a setback.我看见他把钥匙插入锁孔中。(insert ..into)I saw him was inserting the key into the lockhole.我建议你把钱存入银行。(make a deposit)I advise you that you should make a deposit in a ...