
2002.10—2004.07 班级学习委员 内蒙古师范大学
2004.09—2006.07 班级团支书 内蒙古师范大学
2006.08—2007.07 内蒙古准格尔世纪中学 专业教师
2007.10 协助开展徐州市第一高级中学百年校庆优秀校长新课程研讨会
2007.11—2007.12 作为主要发起人与负责人组建徐州师范大学教育科学学
2009.04 组织首届教科院研究生羽毛球大赛(本人获女子组单打亚军)
2008.03—2009.10 教育科学学院办公室教学秘书助理,多次参与组织本科
2008.09—2009.07 徐州市铜山实验小学见习
2008.10—2009.06 徐州师范高等专科学校 教育学代课教师

2002.10-2004.07 member of the class to learn, Inner Mongolia Normal University
2004.09-2006.07 class group secretary, Inner Mongolia Normal University
2006.08-2007.07 professional teachers in Inner Mongolia Zhungeer Century Middle School
2007.10 to assist in Xuzhou City, First Senior High School centennial celebration of outstanding principals of new courses, seminars
2007.11-2007.12 as a major sponsor and the responsible persons of the formation of Xuzhou Normal University, education, science and science
School Postgraduate Association
2008, 2009, is responsible for organizing the second session of the Graduate Academic Jiaoke Yuan Festival, the first graduate Jiaoke Yuan
Academic Salon
2009.04 organizes the first Jiaoke Yuan Graduate Badminton Competition (I was the women's singles runner-up)
2008.03-2009.10 School of Education Science Office of the Secretary of the teaching assistants, many of the participating organizations undergraduate
Health and post-graduate thesis, graduate school work and to interview any of the respondent Secretary of the Commission
2008.09-2009.07 Xuzhou City Experimental Primary School student Tongshan
2008.10-2009.06 Xuzhou Teachers College of Education substitute teachers