跪求关于 保险的起源与发展 的英文文章


Insurance was the idea of a man called LLoyd, who freqented the coffee houses of London.These coffee houses were meting places of businessmen, and the main business in London then was shipping. He would listen to the tales of businessmen who had lost their ships at sea, or had their cargoes hijacked by Pirates. LLoyd thought about this and came up with the idea of insuring these cargoes by insuring them for a premium. The first premium paid was for £100 for a ships cargo. Within six months, this business proved so successful that he opened offices in London. He based it ina building near the docks, and named it Lloyds House. That was the start of LLoyds of London which today, has a reputation second to none.


Insurance in some form is as old as historical society. So-called bottomry contracts were known to merchants of Babylon as early as 4000–3000 bc. Bottomry was also practiced by the Hindus in 600 bc and was well understood in ancient Greece as early as the 4th century bc. Under a bottomry contract, loans were granted to merchants with the provision that if the shipment was lost at sea the loan did not have to be repaid. The interest on the loan covered the insurance risk. Ancient Roman law recognized the bottomry contract in which an article of agreement was drawn up and funds were deposited with a money changer. Marine insurance became highly developed in the 15th century.

In Rome there were also burial societies that paid funeral costs of their members out of monthly dues.

The insurance contract also developed early. It was known in ancient Greece and among other maritime nations in commercial contact with Greece.

跪求关于 保险的起源与发展 的英文文章
Insurance was the idea of a man called LLoyd, who freqented the coffee houses of London.These coffee houses were meting places of businessmen, and the main business in London then was shipping. He would listen to the tales of businessmen who had lost their ships at sea, or ha...

一些经济发展较快的国家和地区,反复酝酿成立实力较为雄厚的保险机构,进一步完善保险制度,为发展保险事业进行了组织准备。经英国皇家特许批准专营海运保险的英国皇家交易保险公司(The Royal ExChsnge Assurance Corporation)和伦敦保险公司(London Assurance Corporation)先后成立。当时法律规定,禁止再有其他公司经营海上保险。这...

回答:保险的起源非常久了,300多年只是商业保险的历史。 保险起源于共同海损,早在汉莫拉比时期,保险的法文就被篆刻在了汉莫拉比法典之上。 到后来又出现了船舶抵押借款制度。 保险不是发明,而是人们的一种对风险分摊的本质需求,几千年前的常平仓等都可以看成是“未雨绸缪”的保险手段,只不过一直到了...

保险经济学的起源与演进是一个与不确定性和风险分析紧密相关的领域。1921年,奈特的《风险、不确定性和利润》一书标志着保险经济学的起步,他区分了风险和不确定性,后者无法通过保险转移,是经济学分析中的新概念。Von Neumann和Morgenstern在1947年的期望效用模型被视为保险经济学的正式引入,随后Friedman...

例如,比利时的CGER,西班牙的La Caixa以及法国的CNP等公司,自19世纪就开始全面提供银行与保险服务了。但真正意义的银行保险,是从20世纪80年代的欧洲开始的。经过多年的探索与发展,银行保险的发展遍及全球,不仅仅是欧洲保险业的主要销售方式,更成为美洲、澳洲、亚洲等地区金融机构拓展全能型集团的重要模式。伴随着花旗...



保险始于17世纪中后期。保险作为一种经济制度和社会安排,其历史源远流长。以下是关于保险起源和发展的详细解释:一、保险的早期起源 保险的概念可以追溯到公元前3000年左右,当时人们通过货物运输和贸易活动进行风险分散。然而,现代保险制度的真正起点是始于17世纪中后期,海上保险作为最初的现代保险形式,...

世界上最早一部关于保险的法规:英国1906年通过的“海上保险法”海上保险法历史简介 英国《1906年海上保险法》(《Marine Insurance Act 1906》)是Mackenizie Dalzell Chalmers爵士在1894年完成起草的,它先于当年提交给贵族院讨论,然后由Herschell勋爵指定给一个律师、船东、保险人和理算师组成的委员会...

