Today people in the UK eat a more varied diet than ever before. As well as the regional diets of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
the many immigrant communities have introduced their cuisines to the previously unadventurous Britons: Chinese, Greek, Indian, Italian, Thai, American fast foods such as pizza, hamburgers and fried chicken have to some extent displaced the traditional fast food of fish and chips.
Because of the climate and the Germanic origins of many of its early people, the UK has been a traditionally beer drinking rather than a wine drinking country.
Nevertheless, in recent years, vineyards in the south of England have proved successful. In the west of England the traditional drink is cider, rather than beer. Over Britain as a whole, however, the traditional drink is tea.
英国下午茶文化英文介绍如下:Today people in the UK eat a more varied diet than ever before. As well as the regional diets of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.the many immigrant communities have introduced their cuisines to the previously unadventurous Britons: Chinese, Gr...
it was not until the mid 19th century that the concept of ‘afternoon tea’ first appeared.下午茶是英国传统的精华所在,但它并没有特别悠久的历史。在中国,饮茶的历史可以追溯到公元前3000年,而在英国,喝茶的风俗直到17世纪60年代英王查尔斯二世时期才开始兴盛起来。而下午茶的概念...
下午茶是一种英国传统文化,它是指在下午三点到五点之间,享用小点心和茶水的一种休闲活动。想要用英文表达这个概念,可以使用“Afternoon tea”或者“High tea”这两个词汇。“Afternoon tea”通常指的是在下午三点到五点之间,享用小点心和茶水的一种传统活动。它通常包括鲜奶油、果酱、小蛋糕、糕点和...
关于下午茶 英文短篇作文
In China, some people think that “afternoon tea ”and“ high tea”have the same meaning. But I discover that they are different. High tea is served later—around six in the evening and consisted a full dinner meal for the common people.Tea is still served, but there would a...
充满仪式感的英国传统下午茶(Low tea)
Freshly baked scones served with cream and jam (Known as a cream tea)Afternoon tea sandwiches often thinly sliced cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off.Assorted pastries Now most ordinary British families do not have time for afternoon tea at home, but in the past it was a ...
英国下午茶全景 | 起源、种类及其独特之处
英国下午茶,一项蕴含历史和文化传统的习俗,源自19世纪的贵族和中产阶级社会。下午3点至5点间,人们以低下午茶(Low Tea)和高下午茶(High Tea)或奶油茶(Cream Tea)的形式,享受休闲时光和社交聚会。低下午茶,也称花园茶或午后茶,源于贵族阶层,以精美瓷器、精致点心如小蛋糕、三明治和水果为特色...
下面简单介绍一点 The British Afternoon Tea Ritual The British are renowned for stopping everything at four o’clock each day to enjoy Afternoon Tea.The first thing you need to know is that it’s a major faux pas to confuse “Afternoon Tea” with “High Tea”.They are very ...
12、玛利亚的“Afternoon tea下午茶”的直译。13、下午茶是一顿通常在下午3点至5点间享用的便餐它起源于大不列颠王国,尽管 前大英帝国部分纷繁复杂的地方也有这么一餐不过,社会习俗和工作时间的改 变意味着大多数英国人仅能在特殊或正式的场合来享用下午茶传统上讲。14、这是简介,还有很多细节介绍,...
英式下午茶(Afternoon Tea),是英国人特有的一种餐食形式。一般在下午三点到五点之间,以茶、三明治和点心为主,配有牛奶和糖。在英式下午茶中,茶的选择是非常重要的。一般会选择印度或锡兰产的中度发酵的红茶,如阿萨姆、达伯利和锡兰茶。茶具和奶壶一般都是白色瓷器,而且要选用细腻、透亮的茶杯。