用英文介绍恐龙+翻译 简短一些
恐龙的英文介绍是:1、英文介绍:Dinosaur refers to the recent common ancestor and all descendants of Triceratops, modern birds and Lianglong. For the convenience of research, dinosaurs can be divided into birds and non birds dinosaurs.Among them, non bird dinosaurs only lived in the M...
modern birds, and Lianglong, as well as all their descendants. For ease of study, dinosaurs are classified into two groups: birds and non-bird dinosaurs. Non-bird dinosaurs existed only during the Mesozoic era and became extinct approximately 65 million years ago. This article primar...
最小的恐龙 新颌龙(体长60厘米,重5.5千克)Dinosaur most The earliest dinosaurs The United States and Asia fossil woods Arizona Park found a 2-thousand two hundred million years ago 5 million years the size of two hundred pounds an ostrich's largest dinosaur fossil dinosaur.Appears...
植食性恐龙长到100吨重,肉食性恐龙的体长达到12米以上。 英文:The cretaceous is the dinosaur life, but also the great changes of landscape. In the sea to a record high, the shape of the continents with today's very similar. Flowering plants, many insects -- from the bees to ants -- also...
All dinosaurs were reptiles.所有恐龙都是爬行类动物.Dinosaur legs were positioned below their bodies.恐龙脚长在身体两边.Dinosaurs lived on land.恐龙生长在陆地.Some dinosaurs were carnivores (meat-eaters).有些恐龙食肉.Some dinosaurs were big.有些恐龙体形很大.Some dinosaurs can fly.有些...
Tyrannosaurus 包头龙 Euoplocephalus Velociraptor 迅猛龙 巨龙 megalosaurus 雷龙 brontosaurus 异特龙Allosaurus 梁龙Diplodocus 鱼龙Ichthyosaur 无颚龙Anurognathus 滑齿龙Liopleurodon 斑龙Megalosaurus 大眼鱼龙Ophthalmosaurus 雷龙Apatosaurus剑龙Stegosaurus 嗜鸟龙Ornitholestes 嘴口龙Rhamphorhynchus 雷龙Bronto...
暴龙(又名霸王龙)是我最喜欢的恐龙,它是一种大型的肉食性恐龙,身长约13公尺,体重约7公吨,生存于白垩纪末期的马斯垂克阶最后300万年,距今约6850万年到6550万年.它也是白垩纪-第三纪灭绝事件前最后的恐龙种群之一.Tyrannosaurus is my favourite dinosaur.It is a large carnivorous dinosaur, its ...
from appear until perish, rule the earth reaches 160 million years old.看这张图片,它就是恐龙,大约在2.55亿年前,地球上出现了一类新的爬行动物。像所有的爬行动物一样, 它们的后代由卵孵化而出,其皮肤上覆盖着鳞片,不透水,这就是恐龙。恐龙从出现直至灭亡,统治地球达1.6亿年之久。
用英语介绍恐龙 中文翻译
恐龙(英文:dinosaur英音['dainəsɔ:]美音['daɪnə,sɔr])是生活在距今大约2亿3 恐龙 Dinosaurs (English: dinosaur British sound [' dain ə s ɔ:] the beautiful sound [' da ɪ n ə, s ɔ r]) live in is about 2 ...
duck-billed dinosaur 鸭嘴龙(hadrosaurs) 为一类较大型的鸟臀类恐龙,最大的有15米多长。是白垩纪后期鸟盘目草食性恐龙家族的其中一员。pterodactyl 翼手龙(pterodactylus)侏罗纪晚期的翼龙类,其特征为:由轻而紧密的骨组成的头骨轻巧;骨骼薄,中空;第一指特别伸长,用以支撑膜翼;后肢短。翼手龙...