Sorry to hear that.Everthing will be fine, take it easy.
英语翻译 我完全能理解你的感受 i know exactlly your feeling_百度...
i know exactly how you feel 好一点
I understand your feeling.
用比较得体的英文表达一下:我理解你的感受,这其中可能有一些误会,对 ...
I understand how you feel, there may be some misunderstanding, I am very sorry for this. Unfortunately, the flight was canceled, I hope you and your family can reunite as soon as possible. If there is a problem we can communicate,hope you peace ...
I can understand your difficulties !我理解你的苦衷也可以这么表达苦衷,如果觉得上面的不好用这两个也可替代,不过有点麻烦feelings of pain 或 embarrassment which are hard to mention嘿嘿
we can understand each other and give help when needed
We fully understand your difficulty and we are also looking forward to more cooperations between us in the future.
我理解你的难处,接受你的建议。I understand your feeling perfectly.我完全理解你的感情。I can understand the position you are in.我能理解你的处境。I can't follow your line of reasoning.我不理解你的推理路线。I didn't take in what you were saying.我不理解你说些什么。I fail to ...
...第六课山田君の家和第七课 日本的季节 的课文翻译
报任安书 原文+翻译
司马迁以激愤的心情,陈述了自己的不幸遭遇,抒发了内心的痛苦,说明因为《史记》未完,他决心放下个人得失,相比“死节”之士,体现出一种进步的生死观。行文大量运用典故,用排比的句式一气呵成,对偶、引用、夸张的修辞手法穿插其中,气势宏伟。这篇文章对后世了解司马迁的生活,理解他的思想具有不可替代的作用。 作者简介...