Diet Culture difference between China and America.(中美饮食文化的差异)这篇可以参考:The main difference between Chinese and America eating habits is that unlike,where everyone has their own plate of food,in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares.If you are b...
Diet Culture difference between China and America.(中美饮食文化的差异)这篇可以参考:)~ The main difference between Chinese and America eating habits is that unlike, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being ...
with the concept of humble in easterners minds.Once my English teacher said: "Come and visit me when it is convenient to you!" Most Chinese know this is not a real invitation, just a sign of welcome. Surprisingly, her foreign friend replied:" OK! When and where? Great! I ...
Differences between Chinese and American culture We might think that Chinese and Americans are totally different people. Not only the way they look different, but also the different cultures. So, what are the differences between Chinese and American culture? Most Chinese families like to...
they will just order enough for the people there. If they are taking somebody out for dinner and the relationship is polite to semi-polite, then they will usually order one more dish than the number of guests (e.g. four people, five dishes). If it is a business dinner or ...
意思是:由《刮痧》而谈中美之间文化的差异和交流 文化是指一个社会所具有的独特的信仰、习惯、制度、性格、思维方式等的总模式,是一个社会一个民族的全部活动方式。随着全球经济一体化及社会信息化的发展,各国之间交流日趋频繁,人类赖以生存的家园正变得越来越像个“地球村”,但是各国文化差异依然存在。 中外文化...
中美文化差异可以从多个方面进行比较,以下是从价值观和文化背景方面进行英文描述:1. Values:中美两国在价值观方面存在一些差异。中国注重家庭、社会和国家的利益,强调集体主义和团结精神,而美国则更注重个人主义和自由精神。在中国,个人的成功和幸福往往是在集体利益的前提下实现的,而在美国,个人的自由和权利是首要的价...
1 individually, american individualists like to travel to those places where there is seldom people or artificial elements. while, chinese like to go to great places of interests where often are full of crowds.2 different social ensurrence makes us so different from each other on ...
1. Social Structure – In China the social structure is formal and hierarchical. You know where you fit in the structure and you abide by the rules there. There is no crossing into other areas. In America, it is much more loose and informal. It is not uncommon to see those...
高分求一篇英文文章 关于中美教育的不同或者是对比 不要太长的``
我的 高分求一篇英文文章 关于中美教育的不同或者是对比 不要太长的`` 高分求一篇英文文章关于中美教育的不同或者是对比不要太长的``楼下你的回答太笼统了,而且有点太短了请发个中美教育的不同的一个方面,比如:教师的角色的不同,家庭作业的不同这种谢谢... 高分求一篇英文文章 关于中美教育的不同或者是对...