McDonald's require employees must always keep smile, because the service personnel is the front-line customer contact with nature, so gracious smile is very important. Today, in McDonald's attendant, but after counter countless times at the counter, can smile training for our service!C: clean...
we've got to havesome talent. And I'm going to put my moneyintotalent.”(不管我们走到哪里,我们都应该带上我们的智能,并且不断给智能投资)所以早在1976年,麦当劳的创始人就已经决心要在人员的发展上做出很大的投资;另一句话是:“Cashthey can get? talent you have todevelop.”...
the computer verifies that it's correct, providing a rolling total, so virtually nothing is lost in translation. Inserting a bill or credit card into the machine completes the process, and in about a minute a server appears with food and change.麦当劳以高科技尝试新式服务 ...
求一篇关于麦当劳之所以受欢迎的随笔 300 字,英文 急,在线等,希望在11...
你从消费者的角度来看是没多少,但是从麦当劳角度还是不少的.根据麦当劳自己2010年的 Operations and Training Manual ,全球麦当劳平均每秒卖出75个以上的汉堡.现如今麦当劳在全球有35,000多家 店,其中欧洲占了 7,600 多家。简单估算一下,欧洲麦当劳汉堡如果每个可以便宜1欧分,麦当劳一年在欧洲就可以省下...
麦当劳新品脆汁鸡是哪三块 麦当劳麦麦脆汁鸡好吃吗
管理组:请登录NABIT进行学习,并在eTraining中完成完整版SOC鉴定。OC\/OM\/DO:请登录NABIT进行学习。温馨提醒:由于脆汁鸡是新岗位,基于SOc鉴定的原则:只有通过这个岗位鉴定的 人员才能为其他人进行鉴定,因此请RGM先完成课件学习后通知OC为其进行SOC鉴定,后续RGM再进行逐级鉴定。相关新闻 麦当劳预热将于...
帮忙翻译成英文 一段社会实践经历
I used to organize and make plans for evening parties and sports meetings and participate in the management and operation on spot for many times and I had not only enriched my experience but also received favorable comments from the universities leaders.08年利用课余时间为麦当劳作兼职,...
如下:She started training in competitive diving in 1988. She took up diving when she was six-years-old at the Baoding Training Base. In 1992, she was selected to dive for the Chinese national team.Guo represented China at the 2004 Summer Olympics, earning a gold medal in the ...