这个位置是专门留给你的 翻译成英语怎么说


I saved this seat just for you.
第1个回答  2010-07-26
The place/seat is specially/particularly left for you.
第2个回答  2010-07-26
This position is reserved for you.
第3个回答  2010-07-26
This is the position particularly for you.
第4个回答  2010-07-26
it's only for you。 比较口语。
第5个回答  2010-07-26
it is special for you

这个位置是专门留给你的 翻译成英语怎么说
I saved this seat just for you.我专门留这个位子给你

这个位置留给你。 用英语怎么说?
This seat is for you.

The present is specially prepared for you.对我的以上回答有疑问可以继续追问,若满意我的回答也请及时采纳

I will forever be your valentine!听我解释:1。这句话不宜直译,只可意译。直译成任何形式的类标准结构的英文句子都会让该句所应表达的爱意大打折扣。2。这样翻译无论是西方人听了,还是亚洲人听了,都会产生强烈的亲昵感,因为它非常符合欧美人表达爱情的方式:简洁,但内涵丰富。夸张,但绝不矫...

puny abilities. In your upcoming university life, I hope that you can be concentrated to everything and get along with the people around you earnestly in the future.Above all,if you find your shortcomings and overcome them,you will be very successful.翻译好啦,希望对你有帮助。

I need connect your manager activitily, but he always say something useless. the timing of sign the contract is later than our plan for 2 weeks. I just got the reason without apologize. I have no interested in the reason ,cause that your problem. You should satisfied your cust...

回答:直译your position in my heart can't be raplaced by anyone 意译you always have a special place in my heart 你在我心里总是有一个特别的位置

I will remember you remember I palyed the paino for you remember once you were together with me I will try to smile It's from my heart And I hope you can remember me when it's rainning because the rain can contain my full miss and bless please take good care of ...

你好。专门为你制作的 翻译成英语是:Specially made for you.———希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

best 最好是这样英语怎么说 要有前后文吧,不然很难知道你到底指哪方面"最好是这样".如果对方说他会怎么样做,你用严肃的语气说"最好是这样"的话,英文应该是"Yo锭'd better do."我是最好的 用英语怎么说???I am the best 最好是这样英语怎么说 回答和翻译如下 :最好是这样 It would be...
