



March 12, 2015

United States Embassy of Beijing, China

Nonimmigrant Visa Section

No. 55 An Jia Lou Road,

Beijing 100600, China

Dear Consular Officer:

My name is XXX. I am currently a second year graduate student in school of XXXX at Columbia University, in F-1 status. I would like to invite my father Mr. XXX and my mother Mrs. XXX to come to visit me in the United States. They will arrive at the U.S. in May and stay for three weeks.

The purpose of their visit is to attend my graduation commencement on May 16th, 2012 at Columbia University in the New York City. After the commencement, we plan to take a short trip to Boston, Niagara Falls, and the Grand Canyon. They will support their travel fees as well as any other expenses in this trip.

Host (Student) Information:

Name: XXX

Current Address: XXX

Passport Number: XXX Valid until: XXX

Current Immigration Status: F-1 Date of Initial Entry to the U.S.: XXX

Relationship to guest: Child

Visitor Information:

Name: XXX

Date of Birth: XXXXXX Place of Birth: XXX

Passport Number: XXXXXXXXX Valid Until: XXXX

Source of Funding During Stay in U.S.: Self

Current Address: XXXXX

Thank you for your consideration. Please do not hesitate to contact me via telephone XXXXXXXXX or email to XXXXXX if you have any further questions.


March 12, 2015

To whom it may concern,

My name is XXX. I am currently a second year graduate student in school of XXXX at Columbia University, in F-1 status. I would like to invite my father Mr. XXX and my mother Mrs. XXX to come to visit me in the United States. They will arrive at the U.S. in May and stay for three weeks.

The purpose of their visit is to attend my graduation commencement on May 16th, 2012 at Columbia University in the New York City. After the commencement, we plan to take a short trip to Boston, Philadelphia, and the Grand Canyon. They will support their travel fees as well as any other expenses in this trip.

Host (Student) Information:

Name: XXX

Current Address: XXX

Passport Number: XXX Valid until: XXX

Current Immigration Status: F-1 Date of Initial Entry to the U.S.: XXX

Relationship to guest: Child

Visitor Information:

Name: XXX

Date of Birth: XXXXXX Place of Birth: XXX

Passport Number: XXXXXXXXX Valid Until: XXXX

Source of Funding During Stay in U.S.: Self

Current Address: XXXXX

Your help in issuing them entry cards would be greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me via telephone XXXXXX or email to XXXXXX if you have any further questions.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,




模版如下:给签证官的信 March 12, 2015 United States Embassy of Beijing, China Nonimmigrant Visa Section No. 55 An Jia Lou Road,Beijing 100600, China Dear Consular Officer:My name is XXX. I am currently a second year graduate student in school of XXXX at Columbia University, in...


日期: 邀请人:(你妈妈的签名. 你就自己签吧)最后记得你妈妈的身份证扫描件,正反两面都给最好.如果是夫妻间的邀请,还需要结婚证书复印件 如果是爸妈,貌似是要户口本扫描件 如果是朋友,那要求朋友的身份证(朋友是中国国籍)如果朋友是外国国籍, 则要求朋友的护照和机票酒店证明 原来是不用邀请函...

姐姐在美国多年了,想申请爸妈出国,需要哪些手续?不是移民的,只是出去旅 ...
去旅游申请B1签证就可以 首先你爸妈得有护照 其次的,有你的姐姐发送一份邀请函,带上她的美国证件号,SSN,以及住址和联系信息,并且阐述你父母去探望的必要性,比如多久没回国了,然后工作有多忙,实在抽不出时间,有小孩子走不开,但是很想念父母云云,然后你父母有多想看看你姐姐和她的家人,也很...


出国留学 爸妈要来探亲 该怎么提前安排
那就要办理探亲签证。每个国家对于探亲签证的办理流程和要求多少会有出入,因此这还得看你去的是什么国家。但一般来说都需要你这边出一个邀请函(邀请你父母来探亲),你的在校证明,你的护照。你爸妈那边就需要2寸白底照片,护照,身份证,银行流水,你爸妈的结婚证,证明你们是亲属关系的公证 ...

一: 准备材料: Documents from Inviter ( 邀请人材料 ): 1. Letter to Visa officer ( 致签证官的信 ). 2. Invitation letter to parents in Chinese and English ( 给父母的中英文邀请信 ). 3. Copies of passport,visa,I-94card,driver license,SSN (护照,签证,I-94卡, 驾照,社会安全卡...

1. 我是谁,我在澳洲哪个大学,读什么课程,什么时候毕业 2.我邀请谁(名字,生日)何时来探望我,理由是(观光,度假,参加毕业典礼),停留(1-3个月),费用由谁承担,如果住的房子很大,可以写上父母来了后住哪个地址 3. 有些废话可以加上,比如我们一年没见面了,很思念家人,父母是公务员\/老师,...


